Impeachment hearing Friday 11/15/2019

i think everyone forgets how stupid democrats like earthquake level bitch vibe ka-MAUL-la harris wound up looking to non-idiots during kavanaugh

Cons’ just love those little nicknames don’t they?

Could be. There were other people at the table during Trump’s call with Sondland who could also corroborate.

Sondland responded Trump only cares about “big stuff.” When Holmes said that the Ukraine war was big, Sondland responded “‘big stuff’ that benefits the President, like the Biden investigation that Mr. Giuliani was pushing,” Holmes said.


only two layers of rumors

thats hitting close to home!

None of them can match the skill of their Chosen One. Bigliest nicknames ever.

If a second person’s testimony corroborates Holmes’, I think that is a game-changer. In any case, for those complaining the hearings are boring, that will change when Sondland’s appearance comes around.

Oh, DO tell.

well if theres one thing these hearings needs its some pizazz. i thought for sure that would come from balling yovany, but time to move on i guess

now only if there were evidence…

Dems had a much better day today the wed, did they not.

And trump plays his role of tweeter in chief to perfection.


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Sooner or later you just know he’s going to go full Col. Jessup…lol

I got an offer you can’t refuse.

Sees I gots me a university and I hand picked the staff myself.

Wez gonna make you a boatload of cash and the cost a mere 25,000

It’s trump U.

Or do you want to end up swimming with the fishies.



“Perfect call.”

Unless that was a joke?

Sondland has a lot of ‘splaining to do next week.

Trump has already told his supporters how far he could go and not lose their support.

We’ll be seeing more of this.

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pssst. Filter bypass in the tweet. I know it’s not yours, but…

I for one can’t wait until Sondland’s public testimony.

This isn’t gonna get really good until the courts start ordering people to testify.

See, once they’ve been forced to testify, if they flip on Trump in front of Congress, they are essentially immune from criminal charges. AKA The Ollie North.

You’d think, you know, if Trump and his cohorts were truly innocent, that this would have been offered already?

Well…at least we won’t have to play this game very long. Looks like the WH just confirmed the overheard Sondland call was real.

Here are WH sources commenting on the Sondland call that Trump just could not recall ever having.

I know…I know…“anonymous sources”.


One of the greatest memory of all time?