Impeachment hearing Friday 11/15/2019

11/15/2019 Edition:

I think it would behoove the board to have a single easily found place to discuss today’s public testimony in the House of Representatives on the historical happenings today. Only 3-times in the 240+ year history of this country have Presidents been subject to an impeachment actions.

  1. I request that posters stay on the topic of the hears and resist the attempt to deflect.
  2. I request that posters stay respectful toward each other position whether it be in support of President Trump or against President Trump.
    .WW (In the vain of respectfulness I will refrain from using my normal sig.)
    .( NOTE: May have lot’s of RW stuff going on today so I may not be able to monitor as much as the last thread. But enjoy.)

Is there someplace the schedule is posted?

Would you consider the alternate title of “Election 2020 Caucus Unity?”


Marie Yovanovitch former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine scheduled for 0900.

Probably not. There are a lot of titles I’d consider but you probably wouldn’t like them. LOL

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I meant by days, they didn’t hold hearings yesterday, right?


This hearing is a disgrace and nothing more than a political ploy to attempt to unite the left because it’s so broken. Here…let AOC spell it out for everyone. After 5 minutes of bull feces, she then tells the truth. Listen up at the 5 minute mark. :sunglasses:


I disagree, to a degree - if that makes sense.

Trump was a bad mistake by my party. Trump isn’t about country even though he tries to pull that con, Trump is about Trump. He didn’t win the Primary with a majority of votes and he didn’t win the General based on votes cast, he won the EC because of 0.0611111111111111% of votes in 3 specific states.

The left is actually united in opposition to Trump. The impeachment hearings into Trumps abuse of power through will very likely have an impact on left of center and right of center voters. The hard left will vote DEM and the hard right will vote GOP, it’s those of us in the middle that matter.


Do not get me wrong my friend. I don’t like this crap one bit. I haven’t liked politics…period…in decades. Politicians lie, are in this for themselves and make a career out of something our forefathers said should never happen. I’m a disgruntled American who is absolutely powerless in the political arena. My only choice is between the lessor of the evils.

Yes I agree, attempted bribery by the POTUS should never be investigated.

In fact we should shut down all of house oversight of the current POTUS as his motives are pure as the driven snow.

And arrest Speaker Pelosi for treason for having questioned dear leader.


Boy what a pessimistic view.

Glad you weren’t around in 1861-1865 when a president actually did something for the nation.


@Snow96 - thanks for the edit on the previous thread’s title to reduce confusion.

Appreciate it.

I have a very, very small…political life, a much larger professional life and a wonderful personal life. Guess which one I am pessimistic about? :sunglasses:


The gavel has rung and day two of public hearings have started.

Everyone has their own deal. I have a very active political life. So that’s why perhaps I have a more optimistic view of politics and politicians.

They can actually can and do good. Yes, even trump has done good.


good gawd

well at least shes honest. staggeringly stupid, but honest

Good post, the bolded in particular.

Y’all elected Donald Trump.


did yavonvich go on and cry yet?

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