Impeachment: A form of voter supression?

Evidence? I doubt the framers wanted weakness in government. What I think they likely wanted was clear limits to three strong branches of government.

The framers intended that the Legislation branch of Government to be the most powerful out of the three branches.


In law, a potential motive conjured up by one’s enemies is not actually proof that the propose motive is fact. Humans are notoriously adept at ascribing evil motives to the most innocent of actions.
"What are YOU looking at!? Your intent behind that look deserves a punch in the face! "

Again. Evidence for your opinion.?

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Madison in Federalist 51:

“These inventions of prudence cannot be less requisite in the distribution of the supreme powers of the State. But it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates.” - Link


Nothing in there about the framers having in mind three co-equal branches where one equal branch is stronger. The reason Congress became weaker is because they handed over their power to determine laws to the permanent unelected bureaucracy and the courts whom they empowered to interpret existing laws and to invent new regulations.

Yes there was

Article I of the Constitution established the U.S. Congress, a bi-cameral legislative body consisting of two chambers, or houses. As shown by its prime spot at the beginning of the Constitution, the framers initially intended the legislative branch—which they saw as closest to the people—to be the most powerful of the three branches of government.

That is some author’s assertion, which may or may not be correct. Where does the Constitution say that the legislature must be stronger? And how does one measure and compare the powers of the various branches?

“The power of self-defense” is not every power vested in all three branches.

Which form of government was more successful and it’s citizens more free, once America broke free of Britain? A parliamentary democracy, or a constititional republic?

Define success. Define “its citizens more free”. Therein lies the nub. One person’s definition may be different to another.