Impeach Donald Trump

He was one of the 10?

I don’t remember. I was too busy trying to stay away from Strozk so he wouldn’t smell me at WalMart.

His behavior suggests otherwise.

Why not quote the entire statement by trump regarding forgiveness? You know…the part where he says he is asking forgiveness when he takes communion. Libs are so dishonest. Birds of a feather.

"When I drink my little wine – which is about the only wine I drink – and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed," he said. “I think in terms of ‘let’s go on and let’s make it right.’”

And don’t try the “oh that’s not what holy communion means” response. It means something different to everyone. This is what his interpretation of his religion means to him. If he isnt asking forgiveness the way you think he should or the way the scholars in his church think he should, that’s irrelevant… same as the whole cake baker’s religion issue the way libs cast it.


Everything you said in this thread is correct. Listening to only Levin and Dershowitz is utterly terrible. It’s better to get your news from a wide range of sources.

It’s impossible to get to a Trumpist. If Clinton was President, this same poster would have a radically different viewpoint. His “sources” would demand that Clinton be removed from office and get a life sentence.

Trump is easily the most corrupt President we have had since Nixon. Before that, I would go with Harding.

Trump has either hired crooks or massively incompetent people to run his “show”.

What part of his behavior?

Well then I expect no reply.

All of it?

Lol it would be quite a show liberals crying about ethics and morals now. What will they do should pence move to be president? You are right, they should be careful what they wish for.

He makes Nixon look innocent.

I was debating between Nixon and Harding.

Lol…i get your conundrum.

The most childlike representation. And explanation of communion I’ve ever seen. A five year old has a better grasp.

Almost all churches today use pasteurized grape juice not wine. And Trump must have someone come in and administer the sacrament to him. We used to see reports of presidents actually going to church. Not Trump.

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How do you know what Trump does? I’ve already posted that he met in the tower with numerous pastors every morning for prayer.

TDS is a sickness, I guess.

How do you know what trump did?

We should REJOICE that the Lord God gave us such a good and spiritual man to be president. God has blessed this man who openly abused women verbally while running for God’s chosen office…he maligned his opponents with spite so strong his power could only have come from God.

Rejoice indeed!

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How do you know he did…were you there?

You know well enough I am not derranged. President Trump is corrupt. That is going to be proven. He is not a good person that has already been proven through his actions in life. You can’t explain me away by typing TDS in response to my criticism.

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these people are in serious denial. give it a couple months.

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