A flurry of posts have appeared in social media stating that Sweden is deporting immigrants unless they earn €2,322/month (Equivalent to $2,448/month or roughly $15.30/hr full-time. Those claims are sloppy, so sloppy they are false.
The truth behind the so-sloppy-it-is-false claim is that Sweden is in the process of enacting a pair of immigration reforms.
One immigration reform limits the access immigrants will have to Swedish social welfare programs.
Among the government’s proposed reforms is a move to introduce a ceiling on benefits for non-EU migrants so they cannot receive multiple allowances – such as for children, housing, unemployment, sickness and parental leave. In addition, migrants will have to wait longer in future before qualifying for benefits.
Sweden is enacting a wage minimum for hiring most immigrants.
To hire most immigrants and employer must hire them full-time and must pay them a living wage of €2,322/month (€2,534/month in a similar proposal)
Proponents of the law say it is intended to prevent immigrants from competing with at-risk and low-wage Swedes.
“Sweden’s migration policy is undergoing a paradigm shift. The Government is intensifying its efforts to reduce, in full compliance with Sweden’s international commitments, the number of migrants coming irregularly to Sweden. Labour immigration fraud and abuses must be stopped and the ‘shadow society’ combated. Sweden will continue to have dignified reception standards, and those who have no grounds for protection or other legal right to stay in Sweden must be expelled.”
Low-end, at -risk often impoverished persons turn to
gig work,
part time jobs
low-wage jobs.
Sweden is essentially saying “You can come here, but only if you are not competing directly against, and thus hurting, the most vulnerable among us. Oh and if yo can’t or don’t find work you’ll get less welfare than the rest of us, so don’t come here for that either”
Even without the money requirement it was a bad idea.
When you mix the cultures you’re asking for trouble.
All those countries regret it but it is too late.
Now they have Crime and Terrorism, powerty and desiase they never had before.
This Globalist’s idea of mixing people and Global distribution of wealth with a goal of creating no-borders-one-global goverment state is a bone in the throat of every country but noone wants to be the first to say no.
Hungarians and Japan were the only ones trying to fight it. Look at their Immigration laws.
Swedes pay high taxes for the free benefits and they don’t want moochers working gig and part time jobs getting those.