IG report about FBI conduct ahead of the 2016 presidential election date set

You really need to read the context of a discussion before opening your big useless mouth.

This has nothing to do with what Conan and I were discussing.


I’m looking for proof. You haven’t proven anything because you can’t.

Oh really?


When the person they leaked it to was a member of her opposing candidate?

Do you honestly think people are that dumb to believe this?

The context seems pretty clear.

It’s perfectly clear which is why it’s so odd that you can’t figure it out. Or maybe not. You’re not terribly bright, are you?

Conan and I have been discussing the presence of Clinton related emails on Weiner’s laptop in October 2016. The investigation of these emails was going slowly. Agents from the NY FBI field office and/or the investigators with NYPD began leaking the fact that these emails were found, resulting in Rudy Giuliani going on Fox And Friends grinning ear to ear because he knew that the Clinton email investigation was about to be reopened.

…and Section 215 of the Patriot act (a Bill) is codified where?
Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act, codified at 50 U.S.C. § 1861

50 U.S. Code § 1861 - Access to certain business records for foreign intelligence and international terrorism investigations

What part of 50 USC 1861 did I not quote for you???


And those emails are specifically addressed in both articles posted from the following October.

While in Rome, Steele also briefed the FBI, who reportedly offered him $50,000 to verify parts of the dossier. However, the FBI has denied making any payments or reimbursements to Steele.

Reported by whom? You article doesn’t say that’s from the court docs. AFAICT it was “reported” by Andrew Napolitano with no actual source.

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Judicial Watch had to sue for them. The FBI only turned over 3000 out 600,000 e-mails on Weiner’s laptop. Yes there was leaks of their existence, but Judicial watch did the FOIA requests. Clearly you don’t know what you are talking about.

Here’s the latest. Judicial Watch is suing for the rest.


@Piper @Morgan @WildRose @dantes

Steele could not corroborate his fiction. So, no $50K


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They dropped him after he could not produce and started leaking the contents of the dossier in violation of his agreement with the FBI.

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Did you actually read that or just look at the headline and assume it was close enough? It doesn’t say any of those things.

This is also fiction.

Yes, he leaked the contents of his dossier to Buzzfeed:

And, he leaked the contents to other sources as well.

Then the FBI used those sources to “corroborate” the Steele Dossier against copies of itself to obtain the FISA warrant.


Right. Fiction.


I don’t have a subscription to WAPO. The New York Times quoted this article. So I guess it’s proof of circular fake news, eh?


Well that seems to be what the FBI is sticking to as the reason for cutting him loose.

While the FBI formally cut Steele off after the October 31 Mother Jones interview, the memo points out that he should have been terminated for an earlier round of media interviews in September 2016, including the one that resulted in Michael Isikoff’s Yahoo story. This evidently did not happen because Steele lied to the FBI about his contacts with journalists.

I don’t know that we’ll ever actually get to the truth because there was so much underhanded crap going on at DOJ/FBI at the time.

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Hopefully, that’s what the IG report will cover. Who knows why it’s being delayed or being buried. Too embarrassing for someone to expose the corruption?


…and the Dems have been spending all sorts of money trying to get their fake dossier corroborated:


Good, then they won’t have it come October to spend on candidates.

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Section 2 iii an individual in contact with, or known to, a suspected agent of a foreign power who is the subject of such authorized investigation;