If you want to see a Giant Panda at the National Zoo, you better hurry

All Giant Pandas will be returned to China on November 15th, after which there will be no Giant Pandas in the United States.

So if you want to see one, I suggest you get to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. by November 14th.

For some reason, the National Zoo is spending $1.7 million on renovating the panda enclosure, even though they have known for some time the pandas are leaving.

Unlikely we will get any new Giant Pandas in the near or mid future, as we have thoroughly pissed off China and relations are unlikely to improve. China holds the title to all but two Giant Pandas in the world, so they can demand them back at any time. The Mexico City Zoo has both those pandas. Unfortunately, the Mexican Pandas are well past breeding age, so no chance of establishing a panda line not controlled by China.

This is one of the pettiest things I’ve ever heard of a country doing.


like our former president.


Right? If our country had any balls, they’d steal those pandas like a Russian yacht.

Our nation is run by ■■■■■■■ and queers. :rofl:


Grand Theft Panda.

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