If you can't beat em, cheat em

Just heard on the radio that legislation is being proposed that would put limits on Supreme Court terms. Isn’t that just like Libs? They can’t stand the current Con to Lib ratio and the court members are going to be there for a long time, so giving up on court packing, they think another tactic will accomplish the same thing. Of course, it won’t go anywhere, but since they’re losing in just about everything they’re doing to destroy the country and their phony charges against Trump are falling apart, they’re getting more and more desperate for ways to push their agenda, just get rid of judges that are obstructing them…

They’ve pushed the country so far left that even Democrats are turning against them. It must suck to be a Lib right now :smiley:!


I think you’re referring to policy proposals being considered by the Biden administration. Link below for those interested.

I for one would support a term limit or age limit for supreme court justices. I would also support term and age limits for congress.

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I am not really for term limits but I don’t see that as cheating. For one , it’s highly unlikely that those would apply to sitting SCOTUS judges who have lifetime appointments.

And obviously, they’d apply to all justices, not just ones appointed by Republican presidents.

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I like the idea of term limits and as @W_and_C highly unlikely it would be retroactive for sitting SC Judges.

As for an enforceable ethics code, definitely a good idea. Every business worth its salt has an enforceable ethics and complinace no reason whyJudges should be any different.

Individuals are free to resign from the SC or not accept a position if they do not want to be subject to it.

This will go through the correct channels so its a stretch to call it cheating.

If it means a judge cannot accept a paid holiday from a friend or have someone pay a child’s school fees then its hardly an imposition on their life. No SC judge is hurting for money.

SC judges play such a critical role in our system they need to be held to the highest standards and as I said if they feel its too much no one is forcing them to remain a SC judge.

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No term limits. In a free country, people should be able to vote for who they want to vote for. That includes president.


I get that but the presidency to me is the exclusion. Because how long would it take before someone decides “you may now call me General Park. And I’m couping myself and canceling all elections.”

South Korea had that happen like three different times.

Congress first.

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The Trump Gambit. :wink:

All judges play a critical role in our system. I don’t see you calling for all judges to reveal gifts ect that they receive. It is telling that you are only squealing about a court that is not totally ruled by the democrats.

Seems all those left leaning federal courts get to keep their personal hospitality loophole and you don’t care.


I don’t think Trump has the gall to try a General Park strategy.

Oh how wrong you are. In previous posts I have made it clear that all judges should be held to high standards and enforceable ethics and compliance polcy shoild exist. But the SC justices hold a unique place in being the final arbiters and interpretation of the constitution.

I would go pretty strict on ethics, applying it to ALL Federal Courts and insisting that States apply the same standards to all their Justices and Judges.

Prohibiting all outside earned income EXCEPT for up to two academic semesters a year of adjunct teaching at public law schools.

No paid speeches or other appearances and prohibiting appearances events hosted by the Federalist Society or similar left wing organizations or any organization which has a political agenda.

No gifts, except from bonafide family members and even then, reportable and limited to a strict dollar amount. No food, no transportation, unless reimbursed by the Judge or Justice at 100% of its market value.

All investments must be held in a double blind trust.

Book deals would be permitted, though the Justice would be perpetually recused from any cases involving the publisher.

Federal Judges and Justices have excellent pay and benefits and most have substantial personal fortunes accumulated prior to being placed on the bench.

So zero reason not to enact strict ethics requirements.


I was going to add in my post they should not be able to earn income from other sources, as always you are way more eloquent than me.

They wouldn’t apply to anyone unless they ammend the constitution

Can you endorse this to Congress as well?

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■■■■ no. accepting a judgeship is not a sentence.

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why not, does accepting a judgeship deprive you of property rights?

I dont understand what you mean? Can you expand in the comment please.

I would be happy to.

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amassing wealth = pursuit of happiness.

all of this “ethics” is ■■■■■■■■■ report income, report gifts, transparency. that’s enough. We live in a free country, serving it should not mean giving up your freedom.

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