If we do not have an all powerful dictator or King then Why

example, build a wall

You know what I was doing.

It’s technically house, senate, executive.


Is the panic starting to set in?

I have done now such thing. I am pointing out that congress is ALSO to blame.

Yes you have.

Actually it was Trump’s fault.

No just open eyes and a huge distrust of China. Why do the dems seem compelled to defend China? Talking pts?

Because ive been here long enough to understand how people react. They would focus on the “not 1” and then find some idiot somewhere with a youtube video blaming Trump directly for the actual virus and then claim victory.
The point is the same.

Blaming him for the bad response is fair and accurate. Next to no one would blame him for the virus itself.

And yet, that’s what this poster is implying.

Good thing that’s not happening.

■■■■ the SCOTUS! Right? :rofl:

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I see no such implication there.

The Head of Government is defined as the head of the executive - which is the office (there are exceptions) with the power to appoint department heads.

No. Not better.
That still wrong.

House and Senate are part of the same branch. (Legislative)
3rd branch is Judiciary.

this stuff matters -Esp when having a debate on political boards. A basic understanding of our government matters.


No I havn’t. The only thing I’ve done is point out that congress could have acted, members of congress were saying things indicating there wasn’t a problem in Jan and Feb.

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Tyson laugh)


Still no blame on trump so yes you have.

According to the Harris Poll
90% of Republicans said the Chinese government is responsible for the spread of the virus, compared to 67 percent of Democrats.

Who does the other 33% of democrats believe is responsible for the spread of the virus? There is hard evidence that China covered up the virus for at least two weeks and allowed international flights from the Hubai province after they knew about the virus

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There is no one to blame for the pandemic except the Chinese Communist Party of China…period!! Not the Chinese people themselves or anybody of Asian decent as the MSM keeps spewing whenever anybody mentions the virus came from China. It’s just a FACT!

The CCP miserable SOB’s stopped all travel to/from Yuhan within China but allowed Yuhan residents to travel all over the world to infect the entire globe while they hoarded PPE and other medical supplies to profit from and that is just another FACT!

Anything else the MSM says or implies that President Trump is responsible or slow in responding is just another freaking TDS lie!

The Virus? Or the Response? Or both?

For what I’m talking about, for the most part the courts have no say. Example who in the ■■■■ is going to challenge the 8.something billion for supplies? As it stands unless someone looses their mind they have no say in the spending or what it’s on.