If Trump was smart, he would resign soon

If he did it this year, wouldn’t the same be true? Why no accusations of desperation from you towards the op?

What is unforgivable is allowing millions of illegals in resulting in murders and numerous other crimes against American citizens.

The left seems to look at citizens as some sort of collateral damage.

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Without Trump, Pence has no political career.

Investigations in search of a crime. Totally partisan in nature.

The OP indicated that by Trump resigning it would allow Pence to pardon him. The post does not indicate that Trump should pardon himself. It speaks to Pence pardoning him in 2019 or 2020. By resigning in 2019 the OP suggests that would allow Pence to undo some of the damage of Trump’s presidency in the eyes of the voters.

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Wow…I didn’t know that Comey, Strozk, McCabe…etc. represented the entire FBI?

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Perception is key. I’m unwilling to accept yours, you are unwilling to accept mine. What if I told you the damage was done by the willing but unwitting accomplices of the Russians to destroy this president and this nation by pursuing the Russian witch-hunt?

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You think your side’s so innocent?

MakeAmericaWhataboutAgain :us:

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That “old” song actually sounds like what Don Jr. would sing to a rally crowd to get them warmed up.

I get why you might think differently though since repugs don’t often read beyond headlines or titles.

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Good. I’m glad you agree he will try to tear down the electoral process.

You will be voting against him in order to save it?

Also forgetting how that “corrupt” Comey basically handed the election to Trump with his announcement about re-opening the email investigation just days before the election.

Haven’t you heard? Trump conquered death. He is the most alive person ever to exist and always will be.

You’re forgetting something, stipulating your assertion New York can put him away for life on state charges is true, Presidents can’t pardon you for state crimes, only federal ones. And what are the statute of limitations on these state charges you are certain he will be convicted on?

He may be impeached but conviction remains unlikely.

I doubt your ‘fact’ about the predominant legal view.

When the president says, “People are saying…” you can almost bet they’re not.

Pardoning yourself would be antithetical to democracy and rule of law.

Pence would not be able to pardon trump if he is guilty of state crimes.

**If he actually wins in 2020, he can then be impeached, which he almost certainly will be. **

trump can only be impeached (and removed) if the Dems take a super majority in the Senate and retain the House.

The easiest way to remove him, is to vote out his ass.

Yeah…like the process labeled the Electoral College? Who wants to remove that? Can you be honest?

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Yeah. I like Warren… her policy positions align a lot with what I believe.

I personally thought that she was too much of a policy wonk for this era… and in a way I still do… but she is surprising in how far she has gotten.

I still think its Hillary 2.0 but she doesnt have the Hillary cackle and seems smarter

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We don’t live in a Democracy. If pardoning himself violates the rule of law, quote the law it violates.

Benghazi comes to mind.