If Trump was smart, he would resign soon

You make a compelling case for what a rational person might do in his position.

But your second-to-last statement explains why he won’t/can’t do that.

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Man he is really something. I wouldn’t say I have “respect” for Bannon-his political goals are atrocious and he’s a terrible person-but I have learned that he is indeed very clever and seems to grasp the new political zeitgeist better than almost anyone else out there.

It honestly wouldn’t. The GOP would be viewed as a spouse just getting out of a bad marriage, they could distance themselves and regain a lot of what they have lost and will lose the longer they stay shackled to Trump.

They could have enough time to produce a viable candidate for 2020 and have a better chance of holding onto the Senate. RBG isn’t getting any younger, if the GOP wants her seat on SCOTUS they need a Republican President.

Trump is under water where he needs to be strong and if the Dems produce a solid alternative I don’t see a path for him in 2020. It would be a long shot at best.

I disagree. Look at the 1976 election. Gerald Ford came this close to winning the election v Carter. and he pardoned Nixon. The dems have a perfect foil with the loudmouth, crass president. without him we’d be stuck with Milquetoast Pence. I’d rather face Trump in 2020 than pence.


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Speaking as a Liberal, I can honestly tell you I give zero thoughts to HRC. She ran a bad campaign. Granted, she was certainly hurt by Comey and the hacking but if she had been better none of that would have mattered.

I think the pardon might grant Trump some leeway from the state stuff, it’s his best chance.

I agree with this as well.

If any of this comes to pass… and I consider a Trump victory in the 2020 race to be well within reach as well…the pressure to make a deal so as not to further polarize the country will be enormous.

Any Democrat who won in 2020 would take a conciliatory tone… especially to contrast with Trump’s insistence that Hillary Clinton should go to jail. The most likely Democratic winner (as of today) is Joe Biden. Joe Biden will urge reconciliation at every turn.

And frankly, I believe the past path for Trump’s opponents is to focus on their values and the common welfare, not on score settling. They should resist being dragged down to the terrible level and example set by Trump and his supporters.

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Remember, the Nixon pardon came days after Ford was sworn in. His popularity nose dived because up to that point Ford was entirely clearly of Watergate. Without the pardon, Ford probably would have defeated Carter in 1976.

If Trump resigns, the Republicans will have a better chance of keeping McCain’s old Senate seat.

His best bet is Biden, I grant you that. Biden is impulsive about trying to “keep the family together”.

If Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren wins, Trump is in serious trouble.

Agreed, this seat is tenuous now but if you can put someone in that can actually praise McCain without Trump blasting them they have a chance to hold onto it.

Hell no. Trump has faced almost every medium owned by the establishment that has hammered him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…for the past 3 years and exposed them as being primarily fake. He’s exposed the disaster at our southern border, that libs have denied and is FINALLY making some headway to shut it down. ICE is now removing illegals here illegally. The real collusion between the FBI, the State Department, the DoJ, the CIA and the NSA to exonerate Hillary and when that didn’t work, to follow the “insurance policy” that Strozk spoke of is now coming to light. Hell no. This party is just getting started and let the truth of all the illicit, illegal and treasonous acts be exposed and let the ■■■■ land where it will. If Trump has done something wrong that needs to be adjudicated, so be it but that doesn’t have anything to do with the much, much larger criminal activity that is now being exposed that even the blind among us can now see. Barr, Huber, Durham and Horrowitz have some reports that need to be completed without any political interference from those that will be prosecuted and let’s clean up this mess…before “we” can even consider…moving on.

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Sanders will never be President. Too “socialist”, too “weird” and too “Jewish”

Warren will not be vindictive – she’s a wonk and will struggle with Hillary-like perceptions that she is not emotionally approachable. Harris is a wildcard as a former prosecutor.

This is a fun exercise, but it’s predicated on the assumption that Trump is guilty of some crimes. For that reason alone, the reasoning is flawed. If he were to throw in the towel, then receive a pardon, it would be an admission of guilt, and dems would capitalize upon that. Pence wouldn’t stand a chance, and dems would make gains in the house and senate due to the lack of R voter turnout.

But it’s nice to see the stage of grief has advanced to bargaining. Maybe depression and acceptance will occur 2020.

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Martha McSally will likely lose again in Arizona here with Trump on top of the ballot in 2020. I am planning on voting for McSally next year, but I doubt that my vote will really help her with Trump in the way.

How? He’s the healthiest president ever.

If he loses in 2020, he’s old news and isn’t going to be prosecuted.

The Democrats are not going to start chanting “Lock Him Up! Lock Him Up!”

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Reminds me of that old oldies song “Just wishing and hoping”

"If Trump was smart - "


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Wonder if the stage of grief will suffer a relapse among some when Trump wins in 2020? :thinking::sunglasses: