If Trump proposes debt default would you support it?

True, but it’s been making the rounds with renewed vigor the past month or so

But if I spend the $5, I get a good or service for my money. If you take it and pay it back to me for my good or service, what do I get?

I think multipliers are a myth. Nobody has explained where the other 90 cents comes from.

Obama already did that.

Meh. Anyone can claim whatever they want.

To be blunt, I simply don’t believe you. And you’ve given me plenty of reason not to.

Right. Russian collusion evaporated, and now the impeachment ruse is obvious to anyone not immersed in TDS libberism. So now the next mud-tossed-at-the-wall is recession.


It’s not a ruse. You elected a conman. A dumb one at that.

He was basically exonerated by Mueller and then goes and tries to do the same ■■■■ again with Ukraine.

Now he will be impeached for it.


Ok. I actually ended up eating a ban back then as I posted a call out thread.

When you’re already well below what is considered to be “full employment” and have been for more than a year it is “amazing” that we can continue adding jobs at such a rate.

Huh? The 90 cents is what you spend after receiving the $1

This was already answered

Ya that’s the talking point. Glad to hear you guys saying Trump’s job gains are so small because Obama handed him an awesome job market lol

Pathologically individual. lol


He said each $1 the government spends puts $1.90 into the GDP. Where does the 90 cents come from?

I get screwed?

No, I said every dollar spent adds $1.90 to GDP.

You sure?

Yes, $1in public spending adds $1.90 to GDP. Three times. You’re working really hard to not understand this which is why I’m hesitant to get sucked down this hole because you will and are going to resist it on purely ideological grounds, and that’s all you’ve done to date.

Think of what you’ve been told about supply side economics, and economic multipliers work like that with the key difference being that they actually work and are are actually credible and workable economic theory. Nobody can that about supply side eecomics. Supply side is ideological, ie politics.

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Glad we could agree.

I haven’t opposed anything. All I want to know is where the other 90 cents comes from.

Nobody ever told me any economic theory adds 90 cents except you.

I was there and I don’t exactly slip under the radar and you guys took the wood to every single jobs or GDP report that came out that it was fake for eight years.

It’s the multiplier. Government spends $1. The people who receive that dollar then spend .90 of the $1 they received. That’s $1.90 of spending which is included in the GDP.