If they do it, does that mean we should?

I’ve already answered this twice. Are you thinking you’re going to get a different answer?

Are you not looking at the answers to your posts?

and are people violating the laws of the united states considered subject to the laws? as in illegal aliens.

Each individual is ultimately in control of themselves, and themselves only. We can’t control other people, but we can certainly control how we respond. Just because “the Republicans/Democrats did it…” is not a valid excuse for immature or erratic behavior. It saddens me to see fully grown adults acting like five year olds.

You weren’t interested in talking about conscription either, but that didn’t stop you from talking about it for a big chunk of post at the start of the thread. Maybe you should just be up front with what you want to about from the beginning.

I do not remember your answers because you never give a rationale for your thoughts

lets see, I am a right wing libertarian,

The conscription to me is abhorrent.

I take it you like telling people to sacrifice their lives.

of the list of countries that force military service I chose to highlight but a few.

The few often cited by democratic socialists as an example for America.

While driving to work this AM I kept hearing that 30 countries have birthright citizenship,

all people using this stat were left wing pundits.

SO, in response I brought up a subject where far more than 30 countries force military service.

Thinking what a stupid rationale the left uses in their argument against Trump.

[quote=“bullseyelqcs, post:89, topic:31114, full:true”]
More importantly,[/quote]

Hey, guys, it appears he’s gone around and removed a bunch posts he didn’t like.

To be fair it’s more likely a mod removing the personal posts.

Why are you assigning beliefs to other posters and then attacking them for it? @Tilly_jow never said they were pro-conscription.

They dont understand your question. I’ve seen this before. When they lose an argument on right and wrong, they quickly go to “the law says”. They live that way… where they have no independent views beyond what someone tells them. Your self reflection for society is lost on them.

Obviously, I think we should do what is right for us, only taking a glancing view at what others do. That is leadership… defining who you are… not letting others do it.

this is a good observation from you, Your friends never really say anything do they? Just the Hannity Community Mob.

Thank you for being an independent voice. Now lets get that whale.

Says the poster attacking other posters for things they didn’t say

Someone had to go tattling on 12-15 posts.

probably one of your friends. Fear the Mob.

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Oh my god your attempts to reverse-poe are so terrible dude.

Trump said no other countries do it. That was a lie. That is the ■■■■■■■ point. One of probably 40 lies that day, but worth mentioning. And when he lies, folks like yourself turn it around into some hypothetical horsecrap that has nothing to do with anything, and by the time anyone has tried to explain to the slobbering hordes that he’s lied again, we’re like 400 lies behind already and no one remembers anyway, and we all do a slow pivot and have to start ingesting a whole new sloppy pile of horsecrap and picking through it and trying to explain that he’s lying again but you won’t care. Because by then Trump’s base is just so tickled that his opponents are frustrated with the lying and that’s the end game.

Literally no one is saying we should have birthright citizenship BECAUSE other countries have it. That has nothing to do with the conversation or the point. It has no relevance here.

how are things out there, way out there where you are.

sorry it is obvious you have not read the thread.

I’ve read the dumb thread. Your question is rhetorical. No we don’t and shouldn’t do things “because” other countries do them.

I’d like to add that the same applies to healthcare because he attempted going there too.