If rights come from government…

You demonstrate the problem I described.

My post addressed human rights.

I don’t consider gun ownership an actual HUMAN right. But I do consider the right to self-defense a human right.

I can argue that our constitution has counted gun ownership as a means of self-defense, but I think that’s going down a rathole I’m not interested in participating in.

Well that’s not true at all.


Revolutions are not governments. Governments come after the revolution.

The 1st Continental Congress was useless. The 2nd and Declaration of Independence came after the revolution started.

Rights give rise to outrage when violated. Outrage and moral authority are necessary for revolution.

Fair/cheating is a very strong moral foundation.

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When did the revolution end and when was the Bill of Rights ratified?

When your rights are violated who do you go to to rectify this?

Which part?

Rights come from God! Govt is put in place by the people to secure their rights…

Both parts.

Do atheists have rights?

I find it interesting the claim that “government secures rights” when the entire Bill of Rights is a prohibition of violating rights - on the government.

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Yes… But they define them as the rights nature gave all living creature…= Natural rights.

Atheism is a religion and protected by the constitution…

Do they? I see most of them claiming rights come from government/society/wherever.

Ok then, I’ll say they should define them as the rights nature gave all living creature…= Natural rights.

But the libs aren’t saying that. They’re saying government/society.

They say rights are whatever 51% vote yes on.

If rights come from the government, why can’t the government pick?

I agree…but that’s not what libs are saying. They’re unable to free themselves from nature of authoritarian government.

That’s because they are.

Who gave women the right to vote? God or Government?

Yes because American people gave themselves a set of right and the bill of right stop the government from violating them.

Its why you can add to it if American people feel something else should become a right.

Its why my rights as a Canadian and your right as an American are different because we value different things.