If Iran launches an attack

there is thousands of pages of evidence collected by your government.

Sorry if I don’t believe that.

We are not the world police. China is forcing Muslims into concentration camps. Saudi won’t attack us. Iran might.

Do they really bow to america? I think they use our currency to trade oil and Iran doesn’t. That is what makes all the difference in this conversation.


show me how Iran is a threat to America.

Iran is not going to attack us.

If anything, we are going to attack them first.

We’ll see. Probably neither. But we need to be prepared.

America has been prepared since the end of WWII.

“We are not the world police”

Then why did a carrier fleet just park outside Iran’s house with their red and blues glaring?

Because Iran is scary they have almost four boat now.

That’s simply not true. Iraq is pretty much an Iranian proxy. They can ramp up unrest there pretty easily

do you know what the word insurgency means.

Being afraid of counties that you straight up admit would be decimated in hours if we even glanced their way, seems to be a Republican thing.

Now go hide in your bunker!

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Because somebody attacked oil tankers in the gulf. There is some evidence that proxies were involved.

There is no more strategic real estate in the world than the Straights of Hormuz.

America conquered the Iraqi Military in a week.
how well did that turn out

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This is just a “glass the Middle East” hot take disguised as actual discussion.

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well we could talk about Trump pardoning American war criminals.

So we are the world police then, considering none were U.S. ships. Thanks for making my point.

because a tv personality told him to…