If God loves us unconditionally, why does he kill us instead of curing us?

Read what you quoted

That’s exactly what you are doing imho… Trying to explain biblical passages using logic where such logic isnt really appropriate

I agree that you are saying and are of the opinion that rational explanation of certain biblical passages that you like to use to slight the Bible is inappropriate. However, you have no rational basis for considering it inappropriate. It simply suits your position to assume it is inappropriate
Hence, you are begging the question, a logical fallacy.

Basically, I think our conversation is “I interpret the bible this way and you interpret it this way, my interpretation is right yours is wrong”.

That’s just the way bible discussions go I guess.

It would be nice if God could clear it up for all us sinners

Is everlasting love not unconditional love to you?

Jeremiah 31:3 The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

You say love corrects and hates like it is somehow sentient.
It isn’t so love cannot do anything. People can.

To your last. Again you seem to think love as being sentient, but if love was sentient, it would just move away from those who reject it and would not seek revenge.


True that we do not know, but I think it rather immoral to follow a genocidal son murdering god and his immoral religion in the hopes that Yahweh will be the doctor catching us at our next birth.


I’m pretty indifferent on the way people worship. The church is lost on me, but I understand that a lot of people don’t know what they’re worshiping or why. Their heart is in the right place, and that’s a good starting point for growth.

This touches on my last reply as well. We as people tend to personify a lot of things, like emotions. Love is not an entity, anger is not an entity.

Emotions are not someone sitting somewhere that you can walk up and punch them. We become our emotions, and mistake them for something else, much like we do to God.

Because if the supernatural and fantasy based religious clergy did not lie as a part of their con game, there would not be a con game or religion.


If Jesus’ spirit did not die with him, then there was no death in the sacrifice and thus there was no sacrifice. A sacrifice that does not stay dead is hardly a sacrifice.

There are two scenarios in the bible for Jesus. One says he went straight to heaven; see the dialog Jesus had with the other crucified prisoner, and another where he goes to hell for 3 days. That last sort of ruins the idiocy that Christians use of god not being able to abide where sin is.

The only way to see the flood narrative in a good light is if Yahweh would have taken the attitude that Jesus showed when he said he came to heel the sick and not look after the well.

That indicates that Jesus would cure instead of kill in Noah’s day and that is the only way to make a good light out of the dark light of Yahweh’s actions.

An evil god, says Jesus, would kill instead of cure.

A good god would cure instead of kill. Right?


How can someone who follows a genocidal son murdering god or his homophobic and misogynous religion that denies so many equality be said to have their heart in the right place?

I would think the opposite to be true, but please show us how such a follower who denies equality to so many has his heart in the right place.


Because they say ignorance is bliss.

We do indeed tend to personify as that helps our empathic and altruistic natures help us know how we should treat things and animals.

Human to human interactions are guided quite well by our natures but given that we are destroying our eco system, I would say that we need to personify Gaia a bit more and stop our wholesale rape of what keeps us from going extinct.


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If so, then so is self-deception, and most religionists are in that camp.


However, a heart in the right place can easily be swayed even by itself to push the envelope much further in their spiritual growth. A starting point does not equal a good place to be in life, but any starting point to something better is definitely a good thing.

The Bible also says there were other Gods around as well. First commandment “I am a jealous God. Worship no other Gods before me.” Then all of a sudden, monotheism. Like magic.

A nice self-contradicting statement.

Not a good place, (thing) ---- yet you later say it is a good thing.


Just another Christian glitch that they ignore or try to “context” their way around.


Nah, I always maintain that I am still learning, and so are everyone else. There is no one path that will serve you equally as well as it will me. None of us have the whole of the truth in-hand. :wink:

True, but you seem to have more to learn if you think Christians and Muslims have their hearts in the right place as they discriminate and denigrate half the worlds population without a just cause.

You must like homophobia and misogyny.


I doubt there will ever be a point in my life in which there will be no more to learn, not even in the moments of death. God is me, but I am not Him… at least not yet anyway, and far from it.

On a side note, I’m a former Infantryman, so don’t ever challenge me to a game of gay chicken, because I’ll stick my tongue straight down your mouth and claim victory to the sound of up-roaring applause and laughter. :rofl: