If Global Warming Is Real, Then Why......?

LOL, saw that. Though I honestly sort of figured Snow would’ve been aware of that.


Don’t worry, it’s not you.

New definition of moving the goal post. You say something, they interpret some other way, make up a story about what you said. Then they claim you moved the goal post.

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Reductionism is employed for the benefit of people that don’t study and engage this arena on a regular basis. It can be a bit overwhelming. The science itself is highly complex and is performed as such.

But this is strange, one group of you is saying it’s too complex to understand, while others are damning the attempts to make it more consumable by folks that lack this expertise.

Trust me, they do complex.

Hey, I’ve climbed Tyndall Glacier in Rocky Mountain National Park. And I’ve seen it recently. Not what it used to be. You may be wayoutwest, but Colorado is my home away from home. Climbed almost every peak in Rocky Mountain National Park and in the Indian Peak Wilderness just to the south. And many other peaks across the state.

Why? I had enough of your insults and taking things out of context.

This is my original post on this matter.

The pier has been rebuilt…but pavilion is still there. Water under it hasn’t changed in over 40 years.

Libs lied to us. Ocean thermals was going to submerge our coastal cities, the island along Key West will be under water.

Well what happen?

Oh I get it. The cold fresh water from glacial melt kept the ocean temperature from raising. Thus there hasn’t been and thermal expansion.

I swear climate terrorist makes things up as they go…but again anything to scare the kids so libs can have control over their daily lives.

That’s what this is all about. We know it.

Did they raise the pavilion…yes or no? Look at those pictures closely.

No. They did not raise the pavillion, they raised the pier. Im taking you at your word on this. This is not in contention… and it makes it no less funny :wink:

Now you gonna get back to me on my supposed insults?

And has tide change during those 40 years? Are coastal cities under water? Are island to Key West submerged?

Yes or no?

If I must I can continue to quote the lived experience of Pacific Islanders; but I think after the first two or three times it shouldn’t be necessary.

I read the mostly the conclusions. Thanks for the link.

And your point is?

Are you trying to say global warming isn’t happening because that picture doesn’t look like the picture Gore had in his book? Is this your science?

No coastal cities int he US are under water, but nearly 100 of them are dealing with regular flooding form increased storm surges. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09640568.2016.1151771

This is one of the consequences predicted by AGW. That’s why they re-built the pier 5 ft higher. That’s why I find this all so humorous.

No islands in Key West submerged. But the Pacific Islands, they’ve lost a few. Do they count?

It means libs been lying to American people for 40 plus years…so why should anyone take your word today?

Tell us…why should we believe any of their scientific data when they had it all wrong before?

Who are they? Just point them out. And by the way, nobody should take my word for anything, unless I specifically tell you to. I’ll let you know, subconsciously.

You keep saying “It’s all been wrong”.

Yet, 31 years ago Hansen testified before congress and gave three scenarios for potential increases to temps as a result of continued CO2 loading. His scenario B was almost spot on… scarily so. If anything, the predictions have fallen short of what’s been actually realized.

Your entire premise seems to based around the fact that AGW can’t be real because the most salacious, hyperbolic claims are not yet realized. Here’s a hint. Al Gore, AOC, and others are not scientists, so stop acting like they are or that their statements represent the scientific community.

Still waiting on what those insults were…

Let me answer that by quoting from the 2019 Pacific Island forum communique:

14. Leaders reaffirmed climate change as the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of the peoples of the Pacific and our commitment to progress the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Paris agreement :crazy_face:

Bottom line is scientist don’t have all the answers…those that think they do are real idiots IMO.

Way to many factors at play.

You have earth crust pushing up in NW, under water volcanoes, land slides. Yes ice melt.

But to scare kids? Come one man…knock it off.

Here is an interesting take…

Capitalism good??? Capitalism fixes environment? No way!