If Biden withdraw, Bernie is rightful heir


We were there.


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Sure…whatever you say.

I asked for criteria for credibility and Camp provided it. I applied those same criteria to other cases. If Camp wants to change the criteria offered, Camp can do so.

Why muddy the water with other cases?

Nothing with Kav came to the level we see here.

It is impossible to dismiss this recording during a sexual harassment segment from a corroborating date with a consistent narrative.

I believe you are dismissing the matter with weak what about argument.

Let me guess, these are the same polls that had Hillary ahead at the same point in 2016?


The consistency is compelling.

So your answer is, “Let’s believe the allegations that get us the outcomes we want while we ignore all the other allegations.”

Hillary was ahead in the polls the night of the election. Some of them weren’t wrong.

This isn’t the night before the election.



Its almost enough to put me off beer!

You aren’t even trying.

Why should I bother. As I observed earlier, Trump supports will huff and puff about Biden. Biden supports will huff and puff about Trump and Kavanaugh and everybody will support whom they were going to support originally.

As much as Trump and his supporters want him to run against Bernie, its not going to happen.

So what’s the point of this game.

Each side does not believe the other side is at all serious in their indignation here.

Biden can’t beat Trump.

It will be delightful to be part of the economic rebound.

Bernie would fair even worse.

Your confidence reminds me of Clinton supporters in 2016.

The allegations about Biden have actual corroboration, Ford’s were either refuted completely or could not be supported by any of the witnesses she cited.

Apples to anvils.


Reminds me more of Obama 2012.

So if your standard is back up for allegations, the allegations against Trump – of sexual assault – are as well backed up as this allegation against Biden. Both men should withdraw from public life.