ICE invasion: They scanned driver's licenses photos of millions of Americans without their knowledge using facial recognition technology

There are over a 1 million illegals in this country who have been through our judicial system and got their due process but failed to be eligible for asylum or to remain in the country legally. So who are you going to support here, ICE whose job it is to uphold the immigration laws or those who break our immigration laws. It’s astounding that it’s almost a 50/50 poll so just what has happened to law and order? Oh that’s right its been perverted by leftist liberals and the toxic previous Administration.

Damned right I will support ICE, lawless liberals can support illegals and ISIS! :roll_eyes:

I won’t give up freedom for security. That used to be a core conservative/Republican position, at least when I was one. Times have changed though.

You’d give up freedom for “security”?

Sounds pretty authoritarian that I pay for the privilege to drive and I don’t even own the proof that I’m permitted to drive. Who would want to live in such a society?

I’d love to know who here advocated for a national ID so I could wag my finger at them.

I think libs and cons just disagree on what areas of government they want to be big and invasive.

Yes, that is no doubt true. Most people don’t like messy.

You make a good point… I foresee a wave of laws/regulations being passed in blue states to require a warrant before sharing the images…

As it should be.

What are you talking about freedom for who exactly? :roll_eyes: The freedom to allow illegals to break our laws with impunity, the freedom of illegals to have sanctuary cities where they can hide out. Without borders & allowing invasion without law enforcement of those who breach our borders we don’t have a country we don’t have freedom and we don’t have a civil society.

The freedom of every single American to own arms without the government keeping track of them. This can be used just as easily by ATF as it is by ICE


And is.

Not too often that we’re on the same side of subject.

Hawaii issues driver’s licenses to illegal aliens? Presumably that’d be Chinese and other Asians, shipped in (literally) by sex traffickers, etc.?

According to Pew, Asians are going to top the immigration list, over Hispanics, by 2055. I couldn’t tell if that was supposed to be legal or illegal immigration.

My and others personal freedom. I’d recommend the 4th, 5th and 14th amendments for a good starting point.

The largest population of undocumented in Hawaii are from the Philippines…

You would give up your country for the sake of open borders(and future party votes)?

Borders aren’t open. You’d give up freedom for security from illegal immigrant boogeymen? Orwell says “hello!” Benjamin Franklin is rolling in his grave.

I recall similar arguments been made by conservatives when the Patriot Act was passed. Myself and many others on the previous forum were told we supported the terrorists because we did not support the Patriot Act.

Fast forward to the Obama administration and suddenly every conservative who was for the Patriot Act try to tell us that they never supported it. Those of us who opposed it continued to oppose it.

Fast forward to the Trump administration and now we are been told that we need to give up our freedoms to secure our borders.

Just wait until we have the next Democrat President and suddenly Cons/Trump supporters will twist again.


That is just being silly. ICE not having this ability in no way gives up our country nor does it create open borders

They are darn close to being wide open and with the approval of the dem contenders for prez.

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Allowing millions of illegals in is a way of giving up the country.

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