IA Gov claims to be pro-life

A frozen embryo is not “alive”. No growth, no cellular division, no respiration, no utilization of nutrients from it’s environment etc.

If has a unique human dna signature it is human at any stage of development.

Really? How long is a coma patient "viable when all supportive care is withdrawn?

So it’s okay in your book to get rid of frozen embryos that won’t be used.


I have no objection, they are not alive.

See there is a diffence in morals between prolifers

Some want exceptions, some don’t.


There always has been, we’re not a monolithic group.

I oppose abortion on demand. I support in principle abortion when the life of the mother is at stake and can tolerate it in cases of rape and incest.

Few pro lifers are 100% against abortion in all cases.

80% of the country supports some limits on abortion, the extremists are those that refuse to limit it at all.

Frozen embryos in storage have nothing to do with abortion anyway.

Why do you tolerate it? Isn’t it the killing of a human life?

Well, then if we are bad, then we certainly aren’t as bad as pro-infantcide, like you.

Innocent human life. Lol.

Or none of peoples business.

Take your choice.


I am against killing babies but for a woman’s right to choose.

One is illegal, the other a constitutional right.


With a clear conscience.