I Think We Can All Agree Now That blacklivesmatter Is A Massive Failure As an Organization

If that’s what you want, don’t get your hopes up.

[quote=“Eagle-Keeper, post:108, topic:233115, full:true”]

That I can attribute to a 40% increase in single parent households? Not any one thing.

What’s your opinion?

I am unaware that BLM wants to destroy the nuclear family. Can you help me with that?

Come on man! Late 60s early 70s!

You know this!

Redefine would be more accurate.

Haha! Okay, I’ll play. Welfare and abortion?

Mass incarceration and war on drugs in the 70s and 80s

NO! The women’s liberation movement!

Damn. I’m 0 for 2.

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What was the other one?

Contributing factor.

PurplenGold’s, ‘Mass incarceration and war on drugs in the 70s and 80s’

Really poor shifting of the goal posts.

Biases of all sorts exist, that doesn’t validate the claims of “systemic racism” which cannot even be defined.

Definitely a factor with black women. A major one.

But look at the overall.

Welfare and the ongoing erosion of moral standards largely due to people turning away from religion.

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The only factors. Welfare was an outcome of family’s being broken up.

What were? Mine and yours? Ok.

There’s of course zero evidence to support that claim.

What percentage of black males incarcerated for drug crimes were Married to their babymommas and supporting those families when they were arrested and sent to prison?

Yes, to turning away from moral standards; not whether turning away from religion causes that. But that’s a different thread.

Welfare spurred the breakup of families and discouraged marriage because having a working age male in the home made the family ineligible.