I still think there's a good chance that Trump comes out clean after Mueller

Or maybe with a nick or two. Maybe some of his guys go down. Maybe a money trail that gets close to him but not to him. Maybe some obstruction. Maybe some pay for play. Maybe some democrats go down.

A lot of minor stuff could be found where he’s not involved. I keep thinking back to what Mueller said a few weeks ago about so much stuff in the media being wrong (he didn’t say which media).

So, Trump could be clean. Time will tell of course.

I don’t agree. I think there is way too much that has gone on for some of it not to affect him more than just a nick or two.

I don’t think Mueller takes him down, but the stuff with Cohen might.

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A porn star taking trump down, who woulda thunk it?

Could be. Let Mueller work.

I don’t agree, either. Mueller knows way more than we do - especially in regards to the money trail - and all roads lead to Russia.

They got Capone on tax evasion, why not Donald on paying off a porn star? Hubris is the common denominator in both.

Oh. My. Cookie! Caught throwing in the towel? :astonished:

The disconnect here is astounding.

Aren’t you CNN worshippers even slightly aware what is really happening as the Swamp is being drained?

CNN MSNBC etc, should be held liable of entraining weak minded people and brainwashing them promoting mental illness. The leftist talking points are the new Mkuktra.

Do a search on all the swamp members who have been mostly fired and retired that has not been reported. Many. The biggest names will face justice, for heinous crimes in such a way as to deter, “cultural shock and social disorientation,” and panic from the poor, blind leftist minions. Don’t be suckers anymore. Trust the plan. The swamp is being drained.

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And now I see that he’s looking into inauguration donations.

What swamp is being drained?

Please share your insights with the rest of us. Link it up so we know what you’re talking about here.

Paying off someone (like in this case) insn’t and of itself a crime. There were no laws broke in the affair/non affair between the two.

My comparison was less about the legality of Donald paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money to his porn star hook up, amd more about how it’s the seemingly little things that end up having the sharpest teeth in bringing down arrogant men.

I already said enough. Frankly you should all know already. Stop plugging your ears and covering your eyes.

This has been going on a long time.


You do know Meuller can’t exactly slap handcuffs on a sitting US President and toss him in jail right?

Now I want you to think back, to everything Trump has said and done since he entered the race, are you picturing it? Now ask yourself what Meuller would have to find on him that would cause Republicans to drop him, clearing the way politically for congressional Republicans to impeach him without destroy9ing their party in the process. What would that look like exactly? Eating babies? Torturing puppies?

And here I am trying to uncover my eyes and unplug my ears and asking for information, and you deny me. Why? :thinking:

Do you feel the only way a presidency can be brought down is through arrest and impeachment?

How else? And I don’t think he can be arrested, kind of the point.

ah you have nothing…