I saw this on FOX news, so it must be true

Let’s see the data for that assertion. Seems very specific in the numbers. Canada too. Dan Patrick quotes won’t do.

You can start here. It’s even more narrow than that. Black Males between 14-35 are responsible for half the nations violent crime.

They make up about 6% of the population.


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Still can’t find what you’re talking about.

Your link was for arrests, not convictions. Is the assumption everyone arrested is guilty? The data for arrests was broken down into total arrests regardless of age, arrests under 18 and arrests over 18. Where does this age 14-35 come from? Searched for that specifically and couldn’t find it.

Interesting final point. You stated Black males 14-35 make up 6% of the population. This is the 6% you were referring to previously?

Still looking for data. Arrest numbers aren’t convictions. Also don’t see the data for Canada since you think the US and Canada should be compared.

Illegal immigrants kill way fewer americans per capita than americans.

I didn’t make the comparason to Canada, you did, “Our neighbor to the north”.

Or were you referring to Santa Claus?

Black males make up 6% of the population. Nearly 90% of violent crimes are committed by 14-25yo’s.

You want to dig into age of offenders?

Another wall of text. If you have that data post the direct link to where it says exactly what you’re saying. What you said is not on your first or second link.

I compared civilians killed by police and gave the exact data I was comparing. If you want to compare some nebulous “percent of population which commits the majority of violent crimes” then give the exact numbers for comparison.

I provided you the source material, read it for yourself.

Start in a few block radius in Seattle…

Cops kill way fewer black men in custody than illegals kill Americans, and they certainly kill way fewer black men than other black men do.

Are any of this other groups given the power of the state? Any of them take an oath to serve and protect?

It’s not there or you would have posted it and been done.

They want the UN running Susan Rice’s “strong cities” initiative.

Of course it is, I’m not here however to spoon feed you.

Try this one, it takes no effort at all so it should be right up your alley.

What oath is that? Links?

And how many do white males and Hispanic males between the same ages commit?

At least give an honest comparison.


Calm down Francis. Those businesses are insured. And those owners who can’t afford it, can’t afford to be in business. Takes money to make money. Bootstraps and all that.

53% of American murders are committed by 6% of America’s population. Figure that out and you may be on to something substantial?



Nope. Still not there.

We started with violent felonies, then had links to arrests and now murders. Is murder the only form of violent crime? Why not just say murder? If not, why are linking to murder statistics? Nothing about race in your latest link. Why do you keep bringing up race?

This is such an arrogant and absurd statement.