I like AOC more and more

Here you go:

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I don’t see this in the chart.


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I eat soy products and have relations with my hot wife all the time.

A focused AOC thread about a very specific thing, I wonder how it will go.


now if she could just stop promoting ripping trillions of dollars away from the private sector by force of precious powerful government to pay for her nonsensical GND she’d be a gem

nah… i’d pat Sinema, but AOC…not my type. esp after she starts forming sounds with her vocal cords

Never had no complaints from the owner.

Congratulations. Shots?

AOC impressive here too, making a great big ass of herself due to her arrogant naive petulance.

the impressive part is, she doesnt care

because you know, loud angry left

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Most ignorant congress person of my lifetime imo.

Your first post in this thread isn’t about the fraud to us taxpayers.

Were you part of the Tea Party?

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What does the tea party have to do with being against fraud and abuse?

No. Too far right for me.

in anyone’s lifetime

Disposals are illegal in NYC- just sayin’. :sunglasses:

Are they really? Why?

just looked it up- they very recently became legal but most buildings don’t allow them anyhow, because they’re worried about aging pipes. So legal now, but rare.

And thats saying something since Maxine and Pelosi are in competition for the “honor”.

Huh, imagine that.

Native New Yorker Jake Dobkin says no self-respecting New Yorker even knows what these things are. “Garbage disposals are emblematic of the wastefulness and pollution of suburban life—like just flushing your trash right down into the sewers, make someone else deal with it,” Dobkin declared in an email statement.