I know school vouchers are supposed to be a great solution, but

Long story short: the year after the voucher program went into effect the school just raised tuition pretty much the amount of the subsidy. So they get to collect tuition and pocket the subsidy to boot.

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The parents should be able to recoup what the locality will spend on their child and use that money elsewhere. If the private school raises their rates, that is their prerogative as a private business. Competition will cause rates to go down over all.

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Vouchers are a scam. A way to siphon off public funds into private hands.


You don’t say? Who could have predicted this… hmmm

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Recoup more than they put in?

You mean like the university system? :rofl:


Not a good look for vouchers…

Just like Ukraine!


If it helps it go down easier :man_shrugging:

Yup and other “private” institutions of higher learning like ITT Tech :joy:

So do people who don’t have kids get all their money back?

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“There were many factors that went into Summit’s Board of Trustees raising tuition including significantly increased operation costs, removing fundraising from our operating budget, and raising our teacher salaries to stay competitive in our local market. Summit is a nonprofit and independent school, and it costs $14,500 to educate a student at Summit, so this tuition increase moves us closer in line with that true cost.

Governor Kim Reynolds was asked on ‘Iowa Press’ in May if private schools raising tuition defeats the point of the program. “Yeah, I don’t think it does. I mean, all schools are experiencing increased cost. We had our public schools talk about it too and that’s why every year we look at a state supplemental aid payment because we recognize that there are increased costs. We’ll monitor it but they’ll be able to use their foundation, the tuition tax credits as well as the ESA.”

They lowered tuition by 25% in 2020 due to the pandemic.

They eliminated fund raising.

They are raising the salaries of teachers and the rate reflects their true operating costs.

The school says it has tuition assistance for families who need it whether they have a voucher or not.

What is the operating cost and rate per student in the public school system in this area?

Cedar Rapids schools spend $14,415 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 398 students per librarian, and 341 children per counselor.

So, the public school is raising rates to $14,350 but the cost of public education is $14,415 per student.

Private schools aren’t charities. :woman_shrugging:

Yes… If they pay for a child to be educated elsewhere and the child’s parents are good with the switch. Why shouldn’t they?

You missed the point.

The voucher doesn’t cover the cost of tuition. This school almost doubled the tuition.

The school didn’t double in size. And private schools are supposed to be more cost efficient than public schools and yet they are using public schools as a benchmark for cost? :rofl:

Universities are a scam.


Correct. they were never (okay well very few) were touted as charities.
They were (mostly)touted as non-profits.

A group of concerned citizens (not the government) got together and formed Harvard, Temple, and almost every college an university in the US and using student aid, students can choose which one they go to. They are not cheaper and in many cases they are more expensive, but people seem to like the idea that Philadelphians can choose to go to any college in Philadelphia or any college in America, they are not assigned a college based on their address.

In theory, the same idea would work in K-12 schooling, although in practice it seldom provides much benefit beyond what a gov’t run magnet school provides.

No. I cleared up what was supposed to be the reason

And pointed out the cost of public education is more than private.

The vouchers should be equal to the cost per student of a public education. That IS a problem.

Meh. I’m all for vouchers and sending kids to a school of choice.

I’m also for home schooling and believe parents should be reimbursed at the same rate it costs for a public education per student. If they only meet public standards, they should get 80%. If they exceed, they should get 100%.

The OP twisted the facts to suit a narrative.


Why would they do that?

A: Because they knew they had public tax dollars rolling in through the voucher program!

Of course it is. Public schools have to educate everyone, including the tough to educate, and they have to make accommodations for handicaps.

private schools get to pick who they teach and they pick the smart kids who are cheap to educate and rich kids who’s parents can afford tutors…

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The point is, vouchers don’t coer the cost of a private school education, so the only people who end up taking advantage of the voucher system, and sending their kids to the school of their choice, are the famiies of means who could afford private school in the first place.

If the voucher doesn’t cover the whole cost, most families won’t have the choice.