I guess government cannot magically implement a so-called living wage without there being consequesces?

It is more than that: as government grows the illusion of the need for it grows. It is a self fulfilling conceit. It’s like the old saying where the number of social problems expands the occupy the number of social workers.

It is government, not charity, that is insufficient for what it promises. But the “kindness” of government was sold because of this supposed insufficiency … like the first hit or the donut holes: the gateway drug to greater dependancy. And all you have to take on is the vision, the envy of having all your needs met at other’s expense.


I’m hearing that you can’t buy a house unless you have six figures.

My parents’ home, when it was built in 1993, was worth/cost around $200,000. Now it’s worth $400,000.

Buying this house w/ 2_car garage and no basement requires $96,000 in combined yearly income. That is how much two people make if they work at McDs for a few years and each get ONE promotion.

Downpayment and CC are (very) hard but doable, (unless the couple insists on living w two cars, two car payments, a nice apartment and entertainment every weekend.)

Just bought a house, new construction for 312K. Designed the payment around my expected retirement income, not my working income. I intend to make additional payments towards principal and refinance when the time is right. 3 bed, 2 bath as the retirement home for me and the better half. I expect my last 2 kids to get their education (trades) and initial employment in order, then move out, without a mountain of student debt. This isn’t that hard if you delay gratification to achieve your goals.


Not something I’d choose now, but is similar to the first house I bought. It is very affordable for most working couples.

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I bought my house in 2000 for 187k. The same house is now selling for 550k. It’s insane. At least by me.

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What would have that same house sold for in 1976?

Not too long ago, the price was 75% of current price, and interest rates were low.

They were good investment properties then. Right now, there are few/no break-even deals to be had for investors.
(Chart later)

My first house was 1200 sqft. $53k.

Interest was high. Over 10


How about:

  1. Create an economy that generates jobs that pay actual wages, instead of retail jobs that only pay minimum wage.

what happened to equal treatment under the law?

I bought my first and only house while I was still in the Army, 27K and around 1600SF, I put around 12K in it and sold it for 42k after 5 years just to get rid of the mortgage.

Since getting out of the Army I have not looked to buy. Wasn’t in a position to, and ow that I am, wouldn’t even think of buying where I’m at. Prices have shot up so much here in Charlotte its ridiculous. 375K for a house you could have gotten for 170K before Covid. Rents are crazy too. I’m glad I got where I am before they started skyrocketting. Looked in my neighborhood recently on Zillow, $2700 a month for 2B1B house that used to be $1150 (and at the time that was not low).

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Chart below shows the traditional relationship between
rent prices and home prices has completely broken down.


If at any time between 1987 (or earlier) and 2000 we said “Hey buying a house is a good idea, both for my family and a as landlord. If I can save enough money for it , I’ll do that,” we need to recalculate that.

We said that because there was a specific ratio between rent prices and home purchase prices. that relationship no longer exists. It ahs changed. It has changed in a way that makes owning a much worse deal than before.

My parents bought a house when I was little in 1972 for 42k. It was your standard middle class neighborhood. In 1986 they sold it for 190k. So we’re probably somewhere in between there.

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Was that around the mid 80s?


I paid 13 grand for a trailer back in 2019. And I’m still living in it. It was a repo and I know the dealer, so he let me purchase it for the payoff amount before he moved it and completely refurbished it. Yeah it’s pretty small but it’s a 2013 model so I can’t complain.


Once GLOBALIZATION & TECHNOLOGY became integral to the economy outsourcing was inevitable.

If by globalization you mean (only) international trade, then I can say without doubt, that a slow constant march those improves our standard of living including that of unskilled laborers.

If, over a prolonged period the standard of living is falling, (it is for unskilled labor) then the culprit is something other than the slow march of those.

Only if the trade is two-sided.