I find this interesting. Woman reporter told to have male colleague accompanying her

You couldn’t miss the point more if if you tried. The truth doesn’t matter, the accusation is enough.


It’s politics.

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Because everyone woman in America is trying to frame him for rape.

Is being paranoid that someone will take a picture and use it out of context to hurt the person?

See kid wearing MAGA hat that was in the face of a native american.

Oh wait, the video had it BACKWARDS.

In today’s environment, where all it takes is an implication, I don’t blame him for wanting a witness at all times. How many lives have we seen ruined because of a false accusation or not even an accusation at all, but just enough of a hint by someone who is “guessing” about what “might” have taken place behind closed doors.

In the culture we have today…hell no would I allow myself to be in a position where anyone could say anything and there was no way to refute it.


Lucy has always been people.

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And his wife
and the woman that wants to shadow him . . .

You call that proactive?

Come on man…

His wife must be super insecure an/or jealous.

They say they follow the “Billy Graham” rule, “which is to avoid any situation that may evoke suspicion or compromise of our marriage,”

Having a reporter of the opposite sex, who also might be attractive, evokes suspicion?

Come on man…

All it takes is one.


It’s wasn’t about him…it’s about what others could perceive it…or used it against him.

I would rather not live in a world were people are scared to act like grown ups.

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It doesn’t sound stupid to me.


He is free to have whoever he wants ride with him. I guess I just don’t get how the whole Pence thing is looked at as anything other than bizarre. An adult should be able to be in a room or share a meal with another adult without it being sexual. Again, it’s about self control and respecting boundaries. And unless we are assuming every woman is secretly out to accuse a politician of sexual misconduct the moment they can, it shouldn’t be necessary to go through life acting as if they are.

well if you want to live your life in fear that someone might falsely accuse you of something, go for it but that seem like a pretty werid way to live.

After the ■■■■ that went down over Kavanaugh I can;t believe you think the best of people or that false accusations do not screw up a person’s life.

You were all in then about believing the victim whether there really was one or not.


So just zing over to the most extreme non-truth?

This guy isn’t even being extreme.

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On the surface it doesnt appear “weird” to me really. It sounds like he was exercising an abundance of caution.

I myself dont even have a wife, but in my professional life I am never alone with one of my female coworkers and wouldnt put myself in that position.

As to whether this is a product of the MeToo movement, perhaps it is. The alternative is for victims of sexual assault to stay quiet and let’s perps walk and move on to the next victim, no thanks. If that means that society has to change its mores so that they arent in situations where they could be accused of sexual assault, I dont see that as a bad thing.



Yes, I am generally of the opinion that women don’t go out of their way to destroy their lives in order to randomly take out men.

Weird, because this guy is acting like a grown-up and being serious and sincere about it.