We hit pre-pandemic levels of employment last July.
July 2022 will go down in history as the month when the total number of jobs in the economy surpassed the level just before the pandemic hit, in February 2020, and when the unemployment rate finally fell back to its pre-pandemic level.
Don’t try and ■■■■■■■■ me with your trolling. That is not the post you responded too when I jumped in. When you responded to that particular one he wrote a reply further explaining or maybe if you want to say correcting what he said. But instead of taking that you you decided to troll and ask the same question again.
And he answered it and or corrected it. Yet you still asked again.
What are you talking about? That’s the post that I was responding to John - not you - about. That was the claim I was challenging.
He continued claiming this months numbers were related to covid shut downs, and I continued to point out they had stopped nearly 2 years ago.
And since you are so interested in my conversation with John, I’ll direct your attention to this post, in which he once again claims these recent good numbers are because of the end of lockdowns nearly two years ago.
All of the good job numbers under Obama were fake.
All of the good job numbers under Trump were super duper real.
All of the good job numbers under Biden are fake.
I’m starting to see a pattern here, lol. The democratic party isn’t half as strong and strategic as you think. The idea that they can just alter every bit of data at will doesn’t reflect reality.
You added the qualifying language only when called out. And your implication was clear. Unfortunately for you, the shut downs were not an exclusively democratic phenomenon.
And now the Biden Administration is taking credit for a drop in unemployment figures because businesses are re-establishing pre-covid employment numbers which were prior to the fascist democrat covid business lockdowns?