“I am part of the Resistance in the Trump Administration” - Stunning Article in NYT

Sure he is. You’re just extreme right posting from another country.

What’s the national debt in your country? I bet we can beat you.


No he doesn’t.

7 in 9

Chance Democrats win control (76.8%)

2 in 9

Chance Republicans keep control (23.2%)

That’s the other thing that concerned me when I saw that Rush Limbaugh’s model was sustainable and profitable decades ago. Others had to follow and they could to be somewhat mellow to extreme. The cash is there for the taking.

It’s amazing what gives people away if you just truly listen to them.

Was the civil war about slavery?

not just extreme right but white nationalist/bigot. he is on record that white should not be mixing up with Africans and Muslims


No. As I recall, it was about the Westpoint class of 1861.

There’s a reason courts don’t allow anonymous witnesses.


Criminals are most often anonymous.

You believe they wield enough power inside this administration to reign in Trump’s worst impulses?

Thanks for admitting there is a deep state!

Shamed to have ever supported Rand


Mark Dice got his start with conspiracies about Mormons being Illuminati, 9/11 truth, and the NWO and morphed his brand over the past few years into being about SJW’s and Evil Libruls.

You know… Alex Jones stuff.

what the hell happened to him on that golf course, seriously

They could pretend they did, in an anonymous letter.

As I have said before… Trump’s face opened up to reveal the mother bug who released her children to infect people’s brains.

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A Republican Deep State brought into government by Donald Trump himself. :rofl:

Man. No kidding. Me as well.

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Still going with the praying this is all just a dream huh?

You guys use to have a ton of republicans here that would have your backs during debates. Now they’re pro-Trump 24/7.