I agree with this...why didn't Obama come clean about Russia

Collusion gimps hate it when people call them collusion gimps.

I’m afraid that after you’ve now made 5 hard core kinky sex allusions in a day to describe your politics I’m going to have to ask you to get tested before we continue seeing each other.


So called “russian meddling” is not the same thing as trump “colluding” with russians. I’m shocked you would say such a thing.

That sounds like something a collusion gimp would say.

If it was so “apparent” why is the investigation going on two years now? Obama, as usual, is giving us a load of BULL!

What is a proper length of time for a counter intel investigation?

Yes he does but he literally got away with murder (Amb Stevens) while he was in office so it’s not likely Obama will answer for anything as a private citizen.

And it appears that a DNC/Hillary/Obama “spy” was placed in the Trump campaign so YES every effort is being made to sting Trump and it will go on through his entire “two” terms in office and probably when he is out of office because this is what liberals do! Just like vicious dogs fighting over a bone they never give up until they get that bone.

I think voters are getting wise to the “personal destruction” tactic of the left because its become so over the top since the “outsider” Trump won the election.

Well things continue to be interesting.

This is very frightening to hear.

DHS has been warning utility executives with security clearances about the Russian group’s threat to critical infrastructure since 2014. But the briefing on Monday was the first time that DHS has given out information in an unclassified setting with as much detail. It continues to withhold the names of victims but now says there were hundreds of victims, not a few dozen as had been said previously.

It also said some companies still may not know they have been compromised, because the attacks used credentials of actual employees to get inside utility networks, potentially making the intrusions more difficult to detect.

Never heard the term “collusion gimp” before. It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but I wish ohknow well with it.

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