I agree with this...why didn't Obama come clean about Russia

They had probable cause to look into things due to exactly what they warned him about, Russian infiltration. It means nothing that there was FBI activity there, we as a nation should expect nothing less when there is reason to believe it is necessary.

McConnell told him he would play it as Obama putting his thumb on the election in favor of Clinton.

And if Obama had intervened, meddling and of course tyranny are exactly what some folks would be complaining about.

Hard not to make a mistake in a no-win situation.

Kind of reminds me of Nixon during the Vietnam war. LBJ knew he was sabotaging the peace process but he couldn’t say anything as it would reveal their operations.


This is just today’s horsecrap talking point to deflect from the fact that we have a compromised corrupt and treasonous president in office RIGHT NOW.

The wheels are falling off. Trey Gowdy. Lil Marco. All coming out today in support of the DOJ and against this lying piece of ■■■■■ All the deflection in the world isn’t going to save this stupid pig.

Own it.



Just intentional distraction.

Surely, Fox News is jackhammering this question every hour on the hour until viewers have forgotten the answer.

Why didn’t Obama tell us we were crooked!!!

No one. NO ONE on the Left or the Right, who watched how the Right Wingers acted towards President Obama, can honestly say, had President Obama sounded the clarion call about Russian influence in the 2016 election, not realized the Republicans would have called FOUL and that OBAMA WAS TRYING TO STEAL THE ELECTION.

It would have been the biggest ■■■■ storm ever. EVER

I do believe more could have been done to alert the States.

But President Obama coming out and making some one sided announcement would have been even more disastrous than what has happened that he didn’t.

Seems to me for 8 years I listened and read Republicans saying Obama won, get over it, any time what Bush the younger might have or might not have done was brought up.

It is good to see the shoe on the other foot.

Trump won, you Right Wingers need to get over it.



Congress should be holding hearings on how Fox News sold themselves to the Trump campaign, if not in monetary means, in deeds.

100 % agree

Fair enough…i was not aware. If that’s the case someone should tell Trump this.

Trump should be asking McConell why his spineless congress didn’t do anything.


Like someone should tell Trump Nixon (in 1960) and Reagan (twice) won Wisconsin?
Do you think it would matter?

Tomorrow someone will be asking this question again.

Its all obama fault now?

He knows.

That’s why he lies.

I think Cratic has asked it at least five times already.

That certainly doesn’t include any Trump supporters.
