Hunter pardoned



Could you explain to me exactly how I should be embarrassed on an anonymous internet message board posting with a bunch if strangers Iwill more than likely never ever knowingly come in contact with? Or for that matter why should I care what these strangers think one way or the other?

You on the other hand seem to crave affirmations from a bunch of strangers on an anonymous internet message board.

Now exactly who has a problem?

…and the defense rests. Thanks for sharing.



All this to deflect from the fact that biden is a lying piece of garbage.

Some of those around here really need a life.


You continue to embarrass yourself, even though you openly admit to not being embarrassed by your actions. You obviously have no shame, as you seem to be so full of yourself that you really can’t see what’s going on around you.

But hey, no skin off my back. :+1:

Ahh, I remember those times well. That works out to be about 21 lies for every day of Trump’s presidency. :rofl:

Here is one of my favorites:

I believe they might have understated Trump’s lies. They have 108 during Trump’s first 10 months. But using the above database, it should be closer to 6,350 instead of just 108. In any case with a straight face, they claim Obama only lied 18 times during his entire Presidency.

Those were the days when I really enjoyed participating in this forum. They are beginning to come back with Trump’s 2nd term. I’m giddy with excitement.

I’m not the one trying so hard to convince a complete stranger on an anonymous internet message board of my political affiliation.

At a certain point one tends to ask, “why is this person trying so hard”?


So you intend to point out any Trump untruth while completely ignoing or attempting to explain away bidens.


Knew I was correct in not swallowing your line of bull.

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We all love ya peeks (platonic fist bumping type of love) :grinning:

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Very probable. Most superstars are.

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I haven’t done so in the past. Why would I start now?

Here is a small sampling of some of my earlier posts regarding Trump. I seriously doubt you will take the time to review my posts, but I can only lead a horse to water. I can’t make it drink.

Still trying to convince me?


Ok Mr Goldwater, or can I call you Barry?



I honestly don’t care. As I stated earlier, I was simply trying to help keep you from embarrassing yourself. I now see that isn’t possible, so I’ll be happy to move on. :wink:


Not possible. Know why?

Couldn’t care less about what a bunch of strangers on an anonymous internet message board think of me nor my opinions.

Gotta love the pathetic attempt at shaming though.

Very leftist of ya.

Alas to no avail.

Still not buying it and still not concerned with your opinion of me.

Too bad can’t say the same, huh? Kinda pathetic someone that needy that they try to convince strangers of nonsense.

But to each his own.

Yeah, sure. :roll_eyes:

Yawn! :yawning_face:

About what I expected.

Yup, dead to rights.



So now that the whole “changed his mind” lie didn’t work, now it’s Jill’s fault.

Hysterical! :rofl::joy:

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Allowed to yes. But that doesn’t excuse what he did.

That is a really good mantra for the Dems though … “We never lie, but we sometimes change our minds.” :grinning:


So is Lisa Murkowski … or so she says. :wink: