Hunter pardoned

Remember the whole…

“The Adults are in charge” diatribe?



While their supporters were flashing their boobs on the WH lawn. :clown_face:

These people can’t even hear themselves.

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Where did this nonsense about changing his mind even come from?

He lied.

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It seems some folks simply can’t accept the fact that Trump isn’t the only lying, villainous politician out there.


It’s the newest lie spouted by biden and his lapdog media outlets.


Hilarious :joy:

Newest talking point to justify the lie.

Politico floated it a week.or so ago.

But Biden may have good reason to change his mind — not least of all, because he was effectively ousted as the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential nominee


Thank you

All Im saying is that some people cannot accept the fact that everything they hate about Trump can be found in the politicians they support. Therefore, they are relegated to rationalizing these faults in those they support.

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I was going to leave this topic along, but hell why not since it’s not going away. I don’t think most people on the right give a ■■■■ that Hunter was pardoned by his father I would have done the same thing if I had a child. Hunter is the democrat I would want to have a beer with lol.

What they are upset about is this media praising Biden for saying that he wouldn’t even pardon his son which was such an opposite of Trump. Biden represents protecting the justice system where as Republicans only want to protect Trump.

If you don’t remember, here’s a little trip down memory lane on why this might be upsetting some Republicans.

Again, not the fact that Hunter was pardoned, but the way the media politicized it lifting Joe Biden up morally for not pardoning his son while demonizing the right at the same time.


When are the Black Democrats going to come forward lambasting the elitism and two tiered justice system where a white bread drug abuser, firearm law breaker and tax evader gets to walk Scot free but hundreds of thousands of black folks get ground up in the system and thrown in the hoosegow?


What circumstances changed, other than that the election is past now? Was it not foreseen at the many times that Biden made his promise that there would be an elections and Democrats might not win it? Was the promise by Biden made contingent on Democrats winning the election?
Still, if anybody still accepted Biden at his word, that was on them. There was no historical basis for believing anything he said.


What’s Trump after the 30,000+ blatant lies catalogued during just his first term, then?

By the way, while you were typing I removed the last sentence as venting.
But I thought Biden was just a good honest fellow who would serve as a caretaker President. Another lie we were told.
BTW, what do you think of Biden’s explanation of the politicization of our justice system and selective prosecution as a sound basis for a pardon? I think we will see more of this in the future.


List them.

All 30k please.

Or just admit you are just spouting nonsense.


What circumstances changed?

Apparently, someone who changed his mind 30k times.

…no biggy, they all do it.


The calendar flipped to December and he was going to be sentenced to a Federal Penitentiary?



Yes, I remember. He would tell jokes and since the left has no sense of humor they would call them lies…