Hu Jintao was mysterious escorted out

Wonder what this is all about…thoughts?

Looks like he didn’t want to go.

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Likely being purged. It appears his name is already being erased from social media.

Most likely he will spend the remainder of his life under house arrest.

At least it ain’t North Korea, where he would likely have been purged with a cannonball.


And I think the OP put this in Second Amendment by mistake.

And fixed. :smile:

Oops…yes I did.

Reading the body language, Jintao was quite nervous, along with those to his left, while Jinping was saying, “bye Felicia”. Others to his right, looked mostly, straight ahead…keeping themselves safe and in support of Jinping.


I see that, it’s going to raise far more questions.

China doesn’t usually so public about this.



In combination with the Constitutional Amendment, I think it is intended to be a sign to all that Xi is now the unchallenged, absolute Supreme Leader.

I always though that Jintao was less militaristic than Xi Jinping…and wanted more prosperity for common Chinese people.


Damn, the other guys didn’t even want to look at him. :cold_face:

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That is true.


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China does “like this” but not live on camera.
Doing things the way they did here (without camera) quietly, but firmly, lets all the party cadres know exactly what’s going on, and who’s name shall no longer be spoken.

Another way they sometimes do it is to re-release a somewhat famous photograph, only the second version is missing a person who was deemed in need of “re-education through labor.”

Here Peng Zhen once a CCP leader has disappeared from a photo of him and Mao. Mr Peng was a fiercely loyal Communist, but he believed Chinese students should learn Chinese Classics -AND- modern Maoist propaganda. Mao Tse Tung disagreed.

Anyway, when Peng was deposed this is how the CCP announced it.
Screenshot 2022-10-22 1.10.44 PM

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It goes back much further than the communists. It was not uncommon in ancient China to cancel people out of official records and erase their families.

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Business as usual for the world’s largest slave labor repository. :person_shrugging:

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A few more examples here if anyone is interested:

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He didn’t hang himself.



hu jintao kill himself
pai mei no2


China going hardline…
