Howard Schultz weighs independent presidential run, denounces "revenge politics"

Well, there’s been plenty of headlines about him in the news as of late. Also, sports fans know him after the whole Supersonics move thing (not in a particularly good way).

If he’s serious about his presidential aspirations, everyone else will know about him very soon. He’ll get plenty of free publicity via media (particularly via angry liberals who think he’ll get Trump re-elected) and he certainly has enough money to make himself known to the rest of the population.

I love the stories about Schultz handing out $3.50 gift cards to employees and business partners. In a time of almost unparalleled economic inequality, another greedy billionaire is exactly what America needs.

I swear, electing a billionaire with no governing experience is like the townsfolk, bedazzled by his riches, electing Smaug and being surprised once Lake-town is in ashes.

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Learning about someone in the news for the first time certainly isn’t a guarantee for wide support especially for an independent. The reason Trump was able to get so much support was because he had been famous for over 30 years. Readers of the Wall Street Journal might be familiar with Schultz, but not most people.

Oh he’ll have his challenges for sure, but I doubt name recognition will be one of them. I mean Trump is tweeting about him and plenty of people read his tweets. I’d say his name will be on par with Bezos soon if it isn’t already.

His challenge will be to convince the majority of voters to break from their usual dualistic pattern. If he has a good message, he could pull it off.

Wow. No. LOL.

Let’s see some meaningful numbers and evidence to support that. There’s no evidence of a “realignment” going on, particularly because Trump has done nothing to expand his base (if anything, it’s getting smaller, even as he makes life more and more difficult for Republican officials). There are some things he could’ve done, hypothetically, that might have jammed up the Democrats, but he hasn’t come near to doing any of them.

And the Democrats are pretty unified: the wholesale rejection of Schultz is a good example, as was the unity of the Democrats during the wall stand-off, in which Trump took a well-earned political kick to the *****.

But I admire your chutzpah.

I like him he seems to be talking about the right thing like spending and the deficit. Plus I drink Starbucks like twice a day so he has that going for him.

I’m drinking a Starbucks Keurig right now :wink:

I’ll second that notion!!

Interesting testimony, thanks for sharing that.

I have nothing against there being more than two parties. But I disagree with your equivalencies here, as though Democrats and Republicans are somehow equally to blame for Donald Trump. Certainly, profoundly compromised and corporate Democrats (like Schultz or even Hillary Clinton) bear some responsibility. But it’s not symmetrical: on one side, you’ve got flawed, human, sometimes corrupted, sometimes inept political party, well within the sphere of consensus and debate. On the other side, you’ve got ■■■■■■■ bat- ■■■■ crazy cult.

Rub it in …

Yeah, Booker only spent years of his life to knock off one of the most corrupt mayors in America. and then made a real difference in one of the most economically depressed cities in the country.

Is it really too much to ask for someone who actually knows how to do the job?

Also: Schultz is boring as–let’s see how to put it delicately–he’s boring as ■■■■■ I don’t mean that politicians need to be entertaining; in fact, I’d prefer that in the grand scheme of things. But to take off as some kind of independent candidate, he’d need some kind of charisma or duende. As it is, he’s just a clueless polenta billionaire with bad policy ideas, a bad logo, and no knowledge of either political history or arithmetic:

Just before that, Brzezinski asked Schultz to name his favorite GOP and Democratic presidents of the past 50 years. Schultz said Ronald Reagan because he “never took his jacket off in Oval Office” out of his “respect for the office,” and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Hey, I can spot at least three clearly idiotic things in his answers. Can you?

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FDR was not President during the last 50 years. I highly doubt Reagan never took off is jacket. For someone who wants to be a “centrist” he picked one of the most conservative presidents ever and one of the most liberal presidents ever.

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Hey. In case you’re interested. Jill Stein is on Fox News tonight. She’s going to be discussing Howard and how the DEMOCRATIC PARTY treats independent candidates.

Was about to post this. If no one told me, I’d have guessed Trump gave that answer. It’s that bad.

Hey Smaug, FDR not only wasn’t alive in the last 50 years, he ■■■■■■■ loved to tax the rich and increase social programs. You know, the complete ■■■■■■■ opposite of your pitch.

Also, speaking of the “businessman”(sic) president:

They cancel out.