How Would You Change The US Constitution?

Change Impeaching the President from a simple majority in the House to 60% of the House needed to impeach a President.

No term limits for House members. They are up for re-election every two years anyway. Maybe term limits for Senators since it is every once in six years for them.

Reform the Electoral College or just do away with it.
Get rid of the Electors.
If the nationwide popular vote winner wins at least one-third of the states than the nationwide popular vote winner should be President.

I’d rather see the elimination of political parties altogether.

And if a politician runs based on supporting/opposing a particular issue, then reneges on those promises and does a complete 180 once in office, there should be a process to immediately eject said politician from office and replace them with someone who actually does what they say. A pipe dream, I know, but really what in this thread isn’t?

Nothing to aspire to. Now freedom… that’s a different story.

I agree.

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Good Lord. You sound like a communist frenchman.

Because the very people you want to “give power back to” allowed them to. This is a hamster on a wheel.

Made up of whom?

Repeal? It’s an opinion.

Well, that’s radical.

No. Absolutely not.

Not much mention of lobbying…

This was your statement.

All federal office elections would use instant runoff voting.

It can take a month or more to tally the total vote after election day due to absentee ballots.

He seems to think it’s a law.

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I thought about it but to address lobbying would take a whole lot of writing.

Let me help.

No Lobbying With Money.


Then you have to define it.

You can’t exclude everyone from lobbying who donates to a campaign. That would clearly violate The Constitution in numerous ways.

How about banning donations from Lobbying Organizations? You’d then have to define what organizations would qualify.

Definitely a ban on lobbying and donations from any entity receiving federal grants or those awarded federal contracts. Right now that’s a huge problem by which a lot of politicians basically are a party to money laundering schemes paying off donors who in turn recycle money right back to them.


I’m not sure I see why that’s an issue? SF has instant runoff voting for some offices and allows absentee ballots.

“All citizens of these United States of America are hereby required to send Spaceman Spiff at least $10 every week. Citizens that would like to send more are permitted to do so,”

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Term limits for Congress and Senate.