How will a Medicare for all system make things better and cheaper for the middle class?

How is it on me to support your assertion?

Its not my assertion its yours.

Lol, no, you are the one pretending doctors can’t know what their claim denial rates are because they don’t do their own billing, so it’s on you to explain why their staffs would hide that information from them if they asked for it.

Why would you ask doctors instead of the people doing the billing?

Because doctors are willing to answer?

Why wouldn’t the billing people?

Can you people freaking use selective quoting? ■■■■■ The cumulative nested quotes gets a bit excessive…

The AMA did the survey, I don’t think the billing people are members.

One of my friends has been working for a doctor for decades. It’s funny to hear the gossip. Many times it will start with “Well, we don’t tell him anything because he complicates everything…”

I highly doubt that people in the middle class are only going to be taxed $100/month for healthcare. I have to assume it’s going to be more like $1,000 or much per month.

Here is a great example of how our current system fails even those insured. She was turned down for the transplant list because she didn’t have demonstrable financial resources for the co-pays for the immune therapy needed after the transplant. Spectrum Health suggested a fundraiser which she then did after posting a copy fo the letter to her facebook account. The post went viral and has been removed by facebook, no doubt due to a protest from the Spectrum Health. Fortunately, the letter going viral led to many people donating to her GoFundMe… How many others never get this kind of publicity and support and simply die.

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Why would you assume that? Is it based on any facts or just blindly throwing a dart against the wall?

That is reprehensible. Seriously, what the ■■■■ is wrong with our nation.

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Where is the money going to come from to fund a Medicare for all system? Clearly there will have to be an additional tax on the people to fund this. My assumption is simply based on the fact that healthcare has become an increasingly greater portion of most Americans economic situation. What do you think it will be?

A few problems with these assumptions.

  1. Every other developed nation pays significantly less per capita while providing universal coverage
  2. According to the study that Ted Cruz used to criticize the cost of Medicare for All, it will cost us $2 trillion LESS than our current system over the assessed time frame [1].

Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA seem to be pretty well liked by most Americans, e.g., “Keep government out of my Medicare!” Even Trump seems to understand that touching Medicare would be political suicide. Why people like private health insurance better is beyond me.

Do you have a record of comparison of claims from insurance companies compared to Medicare rejections? I have had insurance for decades and maybe one or two claims problems over the years and they were resolved with little trouble.

Death panels…