How the Pandemic Defeated America

Thanks for doing all the math.


We’re doing it worse than everyone else because we barely tried and we politicized the most common sense ■■■■ like masks.

That’s why Asia rebounded so much quicker than us. They have cultures where even during normal times they wear a surgical mask when they have the flu to not spread it and be polite. Not Americans though, not even during a pandemic. Impinges on the freeberty.


Not just the 150,000 dead Americans.

But also those who are suffering terrible after effects. A friend is still on event since April. He is testing negative. This is his new normal. He also cannot move his left hand. He ran the NYC marathon three years ago.

To put this in a different context:

We have approximately 2 1/2 times more people than Japan.
We have 170 times more deaths.
For every one death in Japan, there are 66 more deaths in America.


There are at least 35% more excess deaths in 2020 over the past five year average than can be accounted for by the official COVID death count.

Now not all of those can be attributed to COVID but it is almost certain some of them are.

You need to drop this RW talking point.

The US failed at this.

But it’s to be expected. With the way we are set up as a nation, we tend to be very inefficient at these sort of things. We aren’t very good at National disaster response either (locals are usually good, but state and federal levels are typically incompetent ).

There’s almost a type, now. Guy in a giant diesel truck, “molon labe” sticker where the pirated Calvin-peeing one used to be, two more stickers conveniently revealing to you which guns he’ll have clumsily strapped to his fupa, too-long beared serbianing itself into a gunmetal grey v-neck. Waddle-top gf letting an uncut pittie bolt round a public park while she stares at her device, absentmindedly murmuring, ‘It’s ok, he’s friendly’ like it’s a mantra that prevents the cur’s teeth from closing together…

This wasn’t institutional incompetence. It was outright politicization of the issue of the pandemic. If you’re on my side, you’ll pretend it doesn’t exist and fight against masks and want to reopen before we’ve flattened the curve.

And you know it’s bull ■■■■ because with the rest of public health no one believes in this kind of freedom. No one believes that my servers should have the freedom not to wash their hands or my cooks should have the freedom to not cook your chicken to 165 degrees or my dishwashers should have the freedom to not use that sanitizer ■■■■ that is wildly, wildly expensive because it’s so powerful it kills HIV on contact.


We didn’t use to be.

I go back to World War II.

We fought a war all over the world, in all types of terrain and climate, with supply chains and logistics that would boggle the mind…without today’s modern computer and tracking technology to help manage it…and we out supplied all other nations combined and won the war. And the federal government coordinated all of that…a government probably a tenth the size it is today.

But today we can’t get people unemployment checks for two months and can’t coordinate a national contact tracing strategy?

Something changed…it wasn’t our ability…it was our attitude.


Yeah, that didn’t happen

You need to take another look at your numbers


Can I add that everything is politicized nowadays. Its red vs blue, Dem vs Republican.
At least we put partisanship aside for a few days around 9-11.


Sorry but there is no metric where that makes sense. We ■■■■■■ up that’s all there is to it.


I agree there.

We should have all been working together.

I knew this wasn’t going to work as soon as I saw how people acted in the store I work in. I practice social distancing and I wear a mask. A month ago I actually made a customer mad not because I asked him to wear a mask (I didn’t and I don’t) but I simply asked him not to come behind the counter and stand right next to me like he was trying to do.

So I got cussed out for it. And I knew right then that none of this was going to work. Because Americans can’t work together.


US deaths per million population: 479
Japan deaths per million population: 290
South Korea deaths per million population: 281

Wanna try again?


Worldometers has Japan at 8 deaths per million pop. S. Korea at 6.

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My bad…I accidentally moved over a column to the total cases per million when I recorded the figures for Japan and South Korea.

The real figures make America look even worse.

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Japan: 126,500,000 people (1.7% of global population), 1,011 deaths (0.14% of global deaths)

1,011 deaths / 126,500,000 = 0.00000799% of population

US: 328,200,000 people (4.3% of global population), 158,495 deaths (22.8% of global deaths)

158,495 deaths / 328,200,000 = 0.000483% of population

South Korea: 51,640,000 people (0.7% of global population), 301 deaths (0.004% of global deaths)

301 deaths / 51,640,000 = 0.00000583% of population

False. I showed the math above.

Also, the United States is ranked 10th highest in the entire world in number of deaths per 100,000. That is out of the entire globe. There is nothing in these metrics that show anything other than complete and total failure at our ability to deal with this pandemic.


You make a compelling point

I still can’t get the IRS to tell me why I haven’t gotten my first stimulus check yet. The agent was able to see that I’m owed one, have not been sent one, but couldn’t tell me why that was.