How Socialized Medicine Actually Works:

The accusation is enough.

Enough for what?

Critical Theory

How so?

There is quite the business in medical tourism along the border. Both Canada and Mexico have medical and dental businesses that cater to Americans who want cheaper care.

My parents and friends went to Canada for eye surgery some years back to due to the lower cost.

I recall reading an article about an American overseas who had a medical problem come up. She was amazed at how quickly she was seen, no wait, and the quality of care in this country that had socialized medicine.

We pay a lot more than other developed nations for similar outcomes. What are we getting for that extra money other than conservative sanctimony?

How would you feel about a mixed funding system, similar to the German Bismarck model or South Korea’s NHIS? I’d argue those are models that could work in the US because they maintain a better balance between private and public versus a Britain NHS model.

I’m open to anything that has a proven track record better than ours. I find it horrifying that one of the wealthiest nations on earth has a system that forces people to choose between healthcare and bankruptcy.

So yes, a system that mixes private and public more could improve what we have.

I think we as a country should avoid government run anything except a few things i already mentioned. I do think we should help the poor, infirmed, & elderly if they need it. Everyone else need to take care of themselves, pay for their own insurance. Wealthy elderly, & infirmed need to pay for their own as well.

Government should make limited regulations on insurance companies & let people negotiate their best deal with them. I’m opposed to public schools, & hospitals as well. Roads can be built by contractors & paid for with tax dollars.

When government fixes roads it often costs more. Tax dollars should be spent with good stewardship & not for political advantage. I know a little what I’m talking about on this subject as I hold public office in charge as a township trustee.

We use private contractors a lot. Take bids & be as frugal with monies NOT our own & NOT ours to spendthrift or buy votes.

Government can fud things it’s responsible for, oversee it, (Stewardship) & regulate it as needed on a LIMITED basis. Less is more. Government doesn’t need to be all powerful. It needs to be subservient to the people, not the other way around.

Not my experience. Some offices I walked into had signs up they did not accept those.

When I was young you could bring a rifle to school in a gun rack & park in the school parking lot. Teachers took us on field trips to learn to live like the pioneers in a state or national park & brought guns for us all to learn to shoot & had a gun safety course.

You could voice any opinion & wouldn’t lose your job over it. You might get a lot of people tell you off or avoid your company, but freedom of speech was very respected. The first good job I got you was expected to keep your word & be honest. You might get fired for one of those.

I never heard of anyone getting fired for their opinion. There was a huge movement on university campus’s for free speech, & that meant all speech, including offensive speech.

There was much more economic freedom. Much less government intrusion into your life. Your property was YOUR property, & much less subject to some bureaucrat telling you what you are ALLOWED to do with it. That’s just a very few of them.

There’s a lot of little things but they add up - death by a thousand cuts. If you wasn’t alive back then & saw all the changes it’s hard to even explain to you.

Everything wasn’t perfect back then, no era is, but witnessing to slow degradation of rights & freedoms going away a little at a time knowing if it doesn’t stop eventually all of them will be gone.

We can’t give up our freedoms! It’s a rare commodity & if we lose them we likely won’t ever get them back. Witnessing the horrific things done behind the Iron Curtain & all over Africa & South America by the socialists makes us keenly aware of the socialist movement here & where it will lead us. We just cannot do it!

The same blowhard promises used to impose the misery in all those places back then is the same we are hearing now. It’s empty promises & plays on the basest emotions of mankind - Envy of the wealthy & wanting to take their property, class warfare, the desire to punish the non compliant for refusal to obey every little flavor of the week invented rule, political correctness, or triggered offence from those who really just want to control freak every aspect of your life & tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, & where to do it. That has been used by every tyrant since Stalin & Mao.

So Fox News dropped Steve Crowder like a hot potato after he made bad remarks about our Host Sean.
I would therefore question the wisdom of posting one of his videos on these boards.
But that’s just me.

I wasn’t aware of that. However, like I said, if it’s THE TRUTH shown in the video, it’s THE TRUTH. The messenger is irrelevant.

How do you know? Why don’t you ask a real person from Canada if they are happy instead of believing a video that to me looks like a manipulated message. And from a questionable source.

They can’t be that happy

The flight of the sick continues to rise in Canada.

A policy brief — titled Flight of the Sick, by the Calgary-based think tank — says 217,500 Canadians left the country for health care in 2017, according to Statistics Canada. If those travelling with the patients are included in the count, the total rises to 369,700 people.

Did you go to school in a rural or urban area?

What kind of opinions are we talking about here? Should there be laws to protect you from getting fired for voicing opinions?

Do you think comparing back then to now that women and minorities have more or less freedoms?

Not all socialists are the same. You’re mostly talking about Marxist-Leninist who are a minority of the socialists here in the USA.

How can the promises be the same? The Marxist-Leninist were all about revolutions and forming new governments and communism. The Democratic Socialists here in the USA aren’t promising communism as they aren’t communists… and they push gradual change within the current system, not revolutions that topple the government and put authoritarian despots in their place.

Hey, you can get your hysterectomy covered under Obamacare, what more do you want?

So backing off on the Single payer position held earlier in this thread.


I don’t know the intricate details of the Canadian heath care system. What i do know is that they sure as hell ain’t clamoring to move to a system like ours.

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And yet, Canadians still come to the US for treatment. Why do you think that is?

Yeah, they like those year long waits to get needed surgery…