How NATO went from championing free speech to destroying it

NATO and its related institutions have become a cancer of the immune system on the body politic.

They are supposed to be protecting freedom and democracy. Instead, they have become a parasitic growth that is initiating an autoimmune response. They are attacking what they are supposed to protect.

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Good post, Bill

My guess is you will not vote for Nikki. :rofl:

Can Trump decide on his own to quit NATO?

But lets be honest, if it did happen, it would be a scandal, there would be an outcry, people wailing and crying in the streets but life will go on.

Anyone who thinks we would immediately see nuclear armageddon are worrying about nothing.

The older I get the more relaxed I get sbout things.

I like having allies. It makes us safer.

Anyway, those skimpy little bitches in NATO are gonna pony up the cash that they owe us, and that’s really all that’s happening here.

The whining and gnashing are just the screeching social retards with nothing better to do with their lives than to create an imaginary boogeyman out of Trump.


Wait and see. Maybe it is an outdated organization. Kind of like unions, will not work and illegal to fire it.

How do we feel about colonialism?

Myself nor about 80 percent of republicans nationwide. :grinning:

She’s only able to stay in because of dem donations.

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It is pretty bad when someone who was actually born during WW2 is so clueless about WW2 history:
‘I Know History!’ Joy Behar Thinks NATO Fought Hitler and the Nazis in WWII

What is the next in myth about NATO going to be?

Remember how NATO saved us when the Russians attacked Pearl Harbor?

Hey, gotta say you should probably move to Russia. Truly the land of the free these days!

where is their mighty navy keeping sea lanes open around the world? Where are their aircraft’s that could darken the skies?

That’s what I want to know.



Pony up, bitches. Daddy needs a new Space Force. :sunglasses:


I will have give her 2 cents in your name. :rofl:

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You have to keep in mind that’s one of the dumbest women in America.

Whoopi is in that club too.

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Just go if your going already.
The shape the US is in, you’ll be lucky to last another 100 years.
Be sure to send a postcard and lets know how that new alliance with Putin is working out

Thanks to freeloaders across the pond.

You noticed when American arms dried up…Russia starts moving.

Why haven’t freeloaders picked up the slack? Is Europeans too weak?


bluto rolling

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We’ll be fine. Go farm a potato or whatever that inconsequential island does when it’s not failing. :rofl:


harris what the hell