How much news never makes the news?

I know.

Major elections are covered pretty well across most western countries.

But the OP is making a claim, that I do not believe is accurate.

What Macron said was not that controversial, in full context.

My colleague lives in France and is a native of France.

I did a search for “Marcon frexit” screening for French language websites; the only news stories I could find that included Macron’s interview were from RT and Sputnik.

I looked and the Wikipedia page for Frexit in French; I found no mention of Macron’s comments.

My opinion is most “fake news” is not entirely fake, but amounts to either lies by omission or pretending that something is new when it has been going on for a long time.

message to mods

i know english only posting however since the topic of this thread is news in france and i am only linking to article i am hopping this would be acceptable. i am willing to make translation for all pages if that needs be


and here the wiki pageébats_sur_le_retrait_de_la_France_de_l%27Union_européenne#Sondages

Dans un entretien accordĂ© Ă  la BBC le 20 janvier 2018, le prĂ©sident français Emmanuel Macron a dĂ©clarĂ© que les Français auraient pu voter en faveur d’un retrait de la France de l’Union europĂ©enne dans l’hypothĂšse d’un rĂ©fĂ©rendum52,53.

which is translates to " in an interview given to the BBC 20th of january 2018, the french president Emmanuel Macron said that the French people might have possibly voted in favor of a leaving of the france from the European Union in a hypothetical referendum".

Thanks for the links.

i find it curious, that a poster on a message board, has better resources and/or search skills, than Bretibart. It is almost like they are ignoring the facts, to present a particular message.


The only way France will allow a EU referendum vote is if a right wing politician wins and Unfortunately for the right wing over there Marine Le Pen dominates and her father castes a dark shadow over their name.

Although the yellow jacket protests had to be pretty intense to. The way to look at it is there’s just a ton of people that have been left behind by globalization and nothing has been done to address the situation, only to make it worse.

nah she does a good enough job on her own

Yes, BFMTV and UPR sites mention Macro’s comments in their headlines although they do not actually include the video clip. Only EgalitĂ© & Reconciliation includes a link to the clip.

I do not see any mention at all in the Liberation and Figuro links. They instead discuss Trump’s comments about “pays de merde” and the possibility of a soft Brexit. They did not consider Macron’s comments about a possible Frexit vote to be newsworthy.

The story clearly got a lot less coverage in France than it did in the UK. That is the point.

The way my colleague knew about Macron’s comments is that he checks news from the UK; he did not stumble across a back-page story.

so now we are going from “zero coverage” to "a lot less coverage and "they didnt show the clip
event though
-BMFTV actually links to the BBC article which leads to the interview
-UPR does the same thing
-Figaro actually has the clip playing and you can watch more
these are just the first few hits that i googled while walking to get a burger on my cell phone

like i said when this was going on it got the covered by all of those not to mention RTL, TFI, France 2
i know because i saw it. it wasnt a back-page story but nor was it that amazing. the entire point of that exchange was that referendum have risk and there is a risk that it could happen in france
a very very low risk based on the result of the 2016 election and recent polling at the time but a risk nonetheless and he had much more interesting things to say in the rest of the interview

She’s a toxic brand not denying that.

Nah not a brand. She is just toxic. An evil Nazi supporting opportunist wishing to bring Europe back to the dark ages.

This is how it works. It’s too hard to say “Oh wait
maybe my thesis was wrong”.

I go to Europe a lot. Believe me
dislike for the EU is well known and not something the media is going out of the way to hide.

If anyone has a motive here, it was Breitbart
because they tried to make a rather innocuous comment by Macron into something “controversial” that the “Deep Globalist Media” had to “cover up” and it wasn’t
it simply wasn’t.


Don’t forget the OP’s friend that lives in France. He does not recall seeing it, so I think I will go with him
screw all this other evidence.

When the collective YOU, have their noses in a hand full of political sources that align with their chosen ideology
its easy to miss real news.

Hell certain news outlets around here are deemed not accepted because some don’t like what that news source says
or doesn’t say.

I also don’t buy the Iran Contra claim in the OP. That the US was ignoring it while France covered it in the begining.

Nice moving the goalposts.

What I find interesting about this event is the question of whether Bill will continue to use Breitbart as a reliable source or if he will question them in the future? Perhaps cross check them in the future?

A man can hope.

A lot of news never makes it here to the US. All the suffering and dying in the various countries in Africa
we never see it.

My tiny newspaper has two pages of news, so it’s all US.

That’s why we have to go online for news.

Reading British papers is verrry interesting because they cover a lot of US news.

If I were a propagandist I had much rather have control over what is news and what isn’t news than be given the power to give my slant to the news.

It should scare the crap out of people that she is getting that much support while macron is as popular as the plague. When people are looking for serious change and the politicians keep ignoring them or as Macron said “If you need a job walk across the street”, this plants the seeds for a Le Pen to win.

you don’t know much about france.