How many people will die as result of biased coverage of the Chauvin trial?

Are not the charges 1st, 2nd and manslaughter?

Because they think everyone else group thinks as well.

(Intentional use of “they” when referring to one person)

2nd or 3rd degree murder or 2nd degree manslaughter.

And each one carries a max of (in order) 30 years, 20 years, 10 years.

Actually it says “Chauvin trial for George Floyd’s murder…”

Which is entirely accurate. Chauvin is on trial for the murder of George Floyd.

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Careful of what you say when referring to someone else’s post. I noticed that you said “they” there instead of “he.” :wink:

Okay, my mistake. Regardless, I predict that the mob will go bonkers if the verdict is not guilty for 2nd and he gets the max sentence.