How Many Denials Were There?

The wealthy have maneuvered their way into getting laws changed, influenced who are appointed as judges, and created a large echo chamber of RW think tanks, that has poisoned the successful liberal democracy we were enjoying for about 50 years.

The Powell Memo has been realized. And it worked. The rich are in charge, and have the power to stay in charge.

Do all companies pay minimum wage? Why not? Is there any differences say between the average employee at Walmart than say Microsoft?

To clarify…When a few have tremendous wealth, with a small middle class…with the majority of 70% or so being one missing paycheck away form not being able to eat, or get medicine…that is wealth inequality.

Maybe the more appropriate term would be wealth gap.

Emulate Finland style of education. Do not teach to the test. Let kids be kids…

It works.

And it can be done on a state by state basis.

We would not need UBI, if we dramatically curtailed corporate greed, raised taxes on the wealthy, and a wealth tax, and dramatically reduced the influence of money on the legislative and election process.

But we have nothing remotely similar to what you describe here in this country??

Ahh…that statement confirms it is true.


Name a time and place there was wealth “equality”.

Ahh…the game of semantics.

Wealth gap…income gap.

And you know this…

How many unicorns are we allowed in your utopia?

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Well, now you have a list of countries you can move to in order to realize your dream.

Norway, Sweden, France, Denmark, Germany have unicorns?

Get your liberal wealthy and lib politicians to try the experiment first.

Bet your number of takers on that deal is zero.

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I prefer the fight to resuscitate the American Dream, right here in America.

Only works if we are all in.

Like we did from 1945-1981

I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to try your waitress and tip the veal.

Semantics? It was your word. Name a time and place there was ever not a wealth gap…income gap.

Do they have a wealth gap?

You feel there wasn’t a wealth gap…income gap… from 1945-1981?