How Many Denials Were There?

What does a “college of education” do? Who does it teach?

Educators are supposed to be skilled in the various methods of instruction. In other words, how to design a course of instruction to effectively convey the material being taught to the individuals receiving the class.

He wants to set policy on what will be taught. And he is a bigot.

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“Resources for Educators” is special.

“sogie” :rofl:

Hughes then went on to ask “how [candidates] will use your power to make sure K through 12 schools educators are able to build curriculums that bring awareness to the history of white supremacy, layers of racism, bias, and how that currently exists today?”

Question: why is Rashida Tlaiban speaking to the Oakland County Democrat Party African American Committe?

She’s not African, she’s not even black.

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POC, close enough intersectionally.

Will there be an “ethnic studies” course about “Southern Italians”? Our grandparents immigration paperwork and copies of the ship manifest when they arrived at Ellis Island list their race as “Southern Italians”. They were not alone. Come to find out Southern Italians were discriminated against by their “northern” countrymen. Southerners were considered illiterate, unrefined, common laborers or household help and not of “pure” bloodlines.
We descendants of “southern Italians” are curious and want to know if future Kalifornians will be required to learn about our ancestors.

The April 2022 article features a call to academics and critical race theorists to join the author in committing themselves to the “death of whiteness,” specifically asking them to take up the “verbal effigy ‘dead honky.’”

Sounds like a white man saying “dead “N” word” but in reverse but…in today’s world…it’s different.

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Deranged individuals like this want a race war and division in this country so bad this is the level they’re willing to stoop to. Indoctrination of the youth to be reviled at the mention of their skin color and ancestry?

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The period of history of this country when Italians were not yet considered to be white is an interesting period.

People should learn about it.

Wait… are you trying to equate the two words

Both usages are by bigots making a derogatory reference towards another person because of their race. And in both cases the one using the reference doesn’t think of themselves as a bigot, even though their use the derogatory reference proves that they are bigots.

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And the double down :rofl:

Nothing like proving the point. And if you are going to send the glaring eyes picture in response, make you caption it with “What you talking about Willis.” I like the full comedic effect when that type of silly picture is sent.

What specific color of the skin must a person be to be labeled a honky? Now when you answer my question honestly, it answers your question.

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It doesn’t answer my question.

Are you say both word have equal meaning/context?

No…but they are both words depicting useless…racial…hate.

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Don’t you know sin is sin, and hate is hate.

Most do. Not all. :wink:

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Sure, why not?