How Many Denials Were There?

Meanwhile the largest transfer of wealth from the poor to billionaires just happened. Poor people lost 3.7 trillion due to lockdowns, billionaires earned an extra 3.9 trillion.


Try something relevant. Health care! That’s a good one. I think it’s been teased long enough, let’s have the Republican policy on health care in the US. Something that actually matters instead of red meat rabble rousing.

I’d agree, if republicans hadn’t lost the government.

[quote=“WuWei, post:44, topic:239548, full:true”]

Current Republican policy goals in a nutshell: “Eighteen more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done. That’s what we want.”

What evidence is there that any of this is CRT or Marxism?

Quoted all that. For this.

Yes, yes. Republicans don’t know how to govern. Now, back to the topic.

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Yes, and my take away was that you think everything involving race based social-justice and the history of black people in this country is CRT and Marxist. I see no evidence of this.

I have posted the evidence several times.

Powerpoint slides shown to teachers?

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That doesn’t mean teachers are teaching their student CRT.


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Glad we could agree.

Me too. Have a nice day.

Teach my kid relevant subjects that relate to English, math, science, civics, etc. I don’t need a teacher to talk about their subjective irrelevant views about “race”. I’m perfectly capable of teaching my children moral values.


Use “majority” and “minority” .

:clap: :clap: :clap: :+1:

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Not one post from the experts?

Exactly! Amen!