How Many Denials Were There?

Whatever connection I had to Africa was stripped away generations ago

So the color of your skin and the DNA in your body don’t exist?

Sounds like selective denial.

No. Not no power. And the context is that “democracy” you claim you want so bad.

The black nation’s power is all out of proportion to it’s share of the population and the societal costs of the thug culture subgroup.

Look at the power over the culture generators. The strategy is working. Be proud.

That isn’t CRT… you clearly haven’t read any literature on it.

Again I am in your court. Show me ANYONE saying you are born an oppressor… and I’ll be outraged with you. I promise.

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It was released in 2016. :rofl:


:rofl: Amazing.

They do. What does that have to do with my connection to Africa ie slave trade? Hell aren’t we ALL connected to Africa?

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Critical Race Theory is nothing more than Critical Theory in a racial context.

Do you deny it?



Then what is my, or any person born after the civil rights act, connection to slavery and Jim crow of the past. Again you like to be selective.

Critical Theory is nothing more than a corrective evolution of Marx’ Critical Consciousness.

Do you deny it?

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So we can’t have movies today about times in the last without people thinking it is happening today?


A movie based in the 1950s, released in 2016 is making people in 2016 think they live in the 1950s.

If that is the case, you didn’t even pick a good example. What about 12 years a slave? Amistad? Color Purple? Harriet? Malcolm? The Help? The Butler? Django? Glory? Remember the Titans?


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Your silly question was asked and answered. Stop playin’.

The creators do… Or at least they don’t attribute CT to CRT. They attribute CLS to CRT. Basically CRT is CLS but with race.

No it wasn’t actually. The claim was…

I asked for examples of this… specifically that Hollywood made movies about segregation and slavery that make it seem like it’s happening today.

Fences is based in 1950. How is that about today?

The sole purpose of Marxian Critical Consciousness, and therefore the follow on evolution of Critical Theory and it’s race-focused off shoot Critical Race Theory is to awaken the revolutionary spirit in the masses. By immiseration. With the desired outcome of hegemony to allow the power to create an undefinable Utopia.

Do you deny it?

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Ever gang film made.

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So we are to believe you instead of our lying eyes and ears. :rofl:


Nope, read literature on CRT, like I did. Don’t take my word or Rufos. Read for yourself.

Then let’s go quote for quote here. See who’s right and wrong.

Slavery and segregation was the claim… not gang activity

“To awaken revolutionary spirit in the masses” you just described the Anti CRT movement. Or any populist movement or candidate. So sure, if that is Marxist, we all are. That would include every civil rights movement ever.

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