How Many Denials Were There?

Do you have an example of a movie that does this? Shows Jim Crow like segregation or slavery, but in modern times?

What movies do this?

CRTs entire premise is that things haven’t actually changed. We here all these claims about how Jim Crow continues today, but young minority members haven’t actually experienced Jim Crow or forced segregation. Because these young people haven’t experienced it, we see attempts to memorialize events from 4 or more generations ago to try to convince today’s youth that our society is nothing but a bigoted vehicle of oppression.

In the future, when we teach the history of bigotry and racist movements in our history, CRT will be among the vilified examples from our past.



“All of these claims” where?

Do you have a movie or show that does this?

No it won’t because it isn’t being taught, nor does CRT teach people to be racist.

They definitely want to cancel history as it’s the only way their plan to fundamentally change the country will work!


The logical conclusion of the Anti CRT crusade is the literal elimination of BHM or books that talk about racism of the past.

Conservatives are literally putting in legislation making it harder to teach our actual history, especially as it pertains to the darker parts like slavery and Jim Crow.

Cons are believing the BS about the evils of CRT, in the same manner they believe tax cuts Increase tax revenue, deregulating businesses will boost the economy, money = free speech, corporations are legal person’s, that have the same rights as human persons.

They have created their own reality.

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No it won’t because it isn’t being taught, nor does CRT teach people to be racist.

Back to “ignore the man behind the curtain” are we? And in a thread about deniers and their denials.


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The cat is out of the bag at this point. Denial at this point is just foolishness.


There are 131k k-12 schools in this country. Thousand of districts.

1% is around 1300 schools. Why don’t we have 1300 examples of schools teaching crt?

It should be easy… especially in conservative states/counties. Where is it?

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In their crusade to eliminate something that doesn’t exist, they are actually on the path to eliminating ANY teaching about race in this country. No BHM, No more teaching about Jim Crow etc. it’s the logical conclusion of “we can’t have schools sponsor race specific curriculum” or “we can’t teach about slavery because it makes kids feel guilty”

Timepiece? Ummm your watch stopped .

Claiming that opposing CRT equals refusing to teach the history of past slavery and racism is just a cheap motte and bailey deflection.

CRT teaches a false narrative that everything about people of European decent, from the color of their skin, to the values they hold, are racist and oppressive.

The history of slavery and Jim Crow are historical events from a by gone era.

Refusing to allow modern day bigots to indoctrinate our children, and grand children, in a modern day narrative based on a racist ideology is not refusing to teach history with all its warts and ugly realities.


No affirmative action. :fist:t4:

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White women would never allow it…

The first false premise of your argument is that a lesson about historic slavery, or the Jim Crow era, should make any child in school today, at any level, feel shame. CRT is implemented through the creation of DEI programs in schools (and in corporations and government entities). The entire purpose of DEI is to try to shame people, for something they never took part in, to achieve a political objective.

We teach about slavery to insure future generations know that it is an evil institution. We teach about Jim Crow to insure future generations recognize racism, like CRT, when they see it.


Oh we can keep theirs.

Doesn’t matter if the number is one, one school teaching anti white hate is one too many.


That’s not my argument. It’s the conservative argument. The AntiCRT crusaders. They claim teaching about oppression makes their kids either feel like oppressors or the oppressed.

The opposite of segregation is inclusion. Even you admitted as such. Not sure how many DEI programs you’ve been a part of but is woke for a Silicon Valley tech company, that takes DEI very seriously, and I’ve never seen ANY material designed to shame anyone. If someone (anyone of all races) feels shame, it is because they know they have perpetuated bigotry Or racism of some sort.

We have ERGs for black people, gay people, veterans, Jewish people, women, Asian people etc. not a single problem and each group has a diverse intersection.

Their husbands will make sure we do…