How many citizens of China are in the US military?

A basic issue is that Russia has been viewed as a “potentially hostile country” while China has not. Far more people come to the US from China than from Russia, and many return to China after time in the US.

At this point, I doubt there are many US secrets left that China does not already have. At the same time, the US is threatening to go to war with China. This path is not going to end well.

Security clearances are issued to individuals, not nationalities.


This is simply another of the issues that growing a country via the philosophy of “diversity” brings. Many people if not most who come here from other countries have a stronger emotional bond to their home country than here. So I don’t find what they did at all surprising.

The US government is pushing conflict with China, but at the same time US universities, military, research labs, and industry are full of immigrants from China. Of course, they bring back what they have learned in the US. That is to be expected.

What is crazy is that US government is then surprised that spying is a problem.

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Of course, Russians are an exception. They are inherently evil according to the former Director of National Intelligence.

I am startled at the brazen attitude.

I am confident this will get set straight.

China has never really pacified it’s populace.

Dumbasses! If only they had remembered to give the big guy his cut they’d have been promoted instead of arrested…


That was an absolutely spot on post.

And with the NOFORN classification these immigrants coming through the southern border wouldn’t have access to the really good stuff unless they have access to an open garage or a hotel.

…been missin u. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Why is this news?? USA spies on China and many countries on same scale. And for good reasons.

Pity the FBI is corrupt and nothing they say can be believed… or do we trust them now because they said the mean things about China and not Russia?

Thanks Smyrna. Needed to take a break before my frustration at what’s going on in the country got me banned…


Yes, I am sure that the US works at spying on China, but China understands the US much better than the US understands China. The US also tends to underestimate the capabilities of other countries.

English is a mandatory subject in Chinese schools. Hundreds of thousands come to US colleges to study. Many who come here to study and end up working in scientific or technical positions in the US. Western businesses setup factories and labs in China.

By comparison, Chinese languages are only available at the university level in the US. The Chinese written language with thousands of characters is extremely difficult to learn even for native speakers.

Few Americans study in China. Americans who move to China on business usually live separate from Chinese and communicate in English. Chinese companies almost never setup factories in the US.

Information flows mainly from the US towards China. That should be no surprise.

Statements from the FBI have to be taken with a lot of salt.

On the other hand, the FBI has been hyperventilating about Russia for many years. The admission that China is a far greater threat is not something that fits into their official narrative, which makes it more credible.

Name a US citizen serving in the Chinese military.


This is becoming all too common, Schumer parties with them, swallwell sleeps with them, Feinstein does driving miss daisy with them, Hunter and Joe peddle influence with them and according to Archer undermine us policy. Granholm sells clean energy manufacturing to them and now they are raceing ships to our Alaska border.

So hunter and joe were in charge in 2019?

China has larger population to get recruits. Sure we can stop recruiting any non us citizens. Not sure if that will solve anything other than reduce our military recruiting quota. China and Russia will find ways to recruit.

Remember Hansen and Ames were us citizen.

Was he president in 2014?