How lockdowns are likely to kill millions

Then you’re willing to stop agitating for “reopening the economy”?

That’s a hand-wavy response. Why should they leave? You’re too timid to tell them that you will arrange society in a particular way that you are favorable and that if they disagree then its tough ■■■■ for them.

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The economy is opening.

Interesting way you phrase it.

No agitation needed. We will do our best to protect the people who need to be. Now is the time to stand for the people who have been forced out of their businesses.

She will be able to open Friday. I am glad for this and her fund raiser has reached its goal and then some.


The economy is indeed starting to reopen and the left clearly isn’t happy about it.

Isn’t that interesting!


It won’t be stopped!!

Gov’t sanctioning of any marriage has nothing to do with Liberty period.





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People are desperate.

Sorry you can’t get past your own nose to see it.

There is no justification to deny with hospital capacity so low.

It’s all about the hospitals…not the virus or the test.

Why should he be apologetic? It was his job … he did it well.

Sorry to hear that I know three small business owners, two have went out of business permanently and the third is going to try to make a comeback but he isn’t a 100% sure he will be able to. Surprisingly he has a very successful graphics/photography/video business, he had some big named customers and took professional video and photography of heavy equipment from everything from construction equipment to granite cutting machines.

Sad because I would imagine quiet a few of the video people working with him would have a hard time finding similar type of work. I am worried about what you are worried about it might not never be the same and people could starve.

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Thank you. I do appreciate.

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Thanks Axxowiz, I do worry it’s going to become such a devastating blow to the economy, I hope still for the best, for everyone. We will be ok, less income for sure, but we are just going at the new bus & see what happens! Been working hard on it & it’s looking good, but nothings ever a sure bet. We feel fortunate we have an alternative & no debt of our farm. It WAS a hobby farm, we did a little bit with it, but mostly not anything serious. It’s serious now…

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This is one of the things I think is also a problem with the shutdown, people not getting needed treatments for non-covid health problems.


I have facts. Liberty is to act freely without gov’t interference, not to have the gov’t endorse your relationship with whomever you chose to shack up with.

Definition of liberty

(Entry 1 of 2)

1 : the quality or state of being free:

a : the power to do as one pleases

b : freedom from physical restraint

c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic (see DESPOT sense 1) control

d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges

e : the power of choice

2a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : PRIVILEGE

b : permission especially to go freely within specified limitswas given the liberty of the house

3 : an action going beyond normal limits: such as

a : a breach of etiquette or propriety : FAMILIARITYtook undue liberties with a stranger

b : RISK, CHANCEtook foolish liberties with his health

c : a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practicetook liberties in the way he played the game

d : a distortion of factThe movie takes many liberties with the actual events.

4 : a short authorized absence from naval duty usually for less than 48 hours

at liberty

1 : FREE

2 : at leisure : UNOCCUPIED

Liberty cannot be imposed, it can only be interfered with.


Yes, delays for many types of treatments can become life-threatening if they go on long enough. Things like hip and knee replacements are an example of elective surgery that can increase the risk of death from lack of physical activity if delayed.

In less developed parts of the worlds are there are other diseases that are likely to increase with lock downs. For example the effects of lockdown delays in tuberculosis treatments could resulting more than a million additional deaths according to some estimates:

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Of course. But hey, this thread is definitely NOT about pushing for worldwide socialism…

This post castrates itself with the first sentence.

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He tried to humble her.

Precisely. Bow down to your masters.

■■■■ them.

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“government” appears exactly zero times in the all the definitions you quoted. You inserted that to fit your ideology.

Read the DOI and get back with US on that.