How Jared Kushner’s Secret Testing Plan “Went Poof Into Thin Air”

Absolutely. No one outside of the loyal cult base would doubt this being the truth from this group.

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It’s less difficult than you would think. Probably not many MAGA people who are worried about justifying their position to liberals. On a scale of 1 to 100, it’s 101. :man_shrugging:

The blame will shift to the mayors.

If the mayors are GOP then to the city council.

If the city council is GOP then to the dog catcher


Let’s hypothesize other reasons it might have happened that make sense.

This seems on paper to be a well thought out plan. What they actually decided to do was a piece of ■■■■■

What would have made them think the “punt testing to the states” would have worked better?

:rofl: ok.

Not to liberals. To themselves.

Maybe I’m assuming too much of their humanity. Maybe Trump’s base won’t be bothered by it at all.

This was the straw? Vanity Fair?

If any of this can be proven, capital punishment should absolutely be on the table.


Maybe we just need James Cameron to go deep deep deep in the ocean and raise the bar back up (South Park fans will get this reference).

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You are correct. We will vote for him anyway. Because we can’t do socialism.

My, my, a whole narrative constructed so rapidly based on one article.

Very impressive.

I can understand stupidity. Not whatever that is called.

Yep. The buck stops over ——————>


I’m not sure how this post contributes to the discussion, or keeps the thread on topic. It certainly disrupts an attempt at actual discussion, right?


Flag it if you have a problem with it.

Very good point.


It would be if it was correct. It’s not.

It is.

Have a nice day.

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How do you get that? There was literally no backup documentation in that other thread. Just speculation. C’mon now.

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If you pay attention to politics, it helps to understand stupidity. All you need to do is to look to the left (or the right).